Call me Eurostar, do I have to recall you?

There is turmoil in Hell, soon we’ll see why. For now, let’s go to the Klone Dome. Many heroes are stranded in unknown Hyperboards, and their only hope is JAMB.

So, let’s take a look to the Tactic Section of the Dome, where…

“The next signature is coming from Hyperboard Section 7894561.23K” says Hourly, with her open hand over the bare chest of the young Eurostar. “I can discern even a name… Lo… Lorelei! Ehy, but is a female name!”

“Yeah, she’s a friend of mine from the Institute” explains innocently Edulcore.

“OK, Ed” says Joker2. “Get ready for…”

“No!” shouts Hourlyquinn. “For this mission the best suited are you, bro, with me and Max Yezpitelok which knows the girl. Eurostar will stay here. He is… he is quite emotionally challenged from his previous mission”.

“But I’m fine. And Lorelei is my…”

“Not a word more, Ed. Joker2, Max and myself are the appointed members of this rescue mission. You will stay here, take care of yourself. Jo?”

“OK, sister. ” exclaims Joker2, which as for now is willing to surrender to any of his sister request, fearing to have her back into her junk food behaviour .

“Beam us down, Crush!”