Daniel Page flew above the battle, gaining a moments' respite from the carnage below.

"Gooz... we're not going to win this one with brute force alone. We're too far outnumbered. We need some strategy happening. Permission to try something incredibly risky." Daniel said to his leader telepathically.

"Permission granted," Gooz responded.

"Thanks. Oh, and Gooz... I think TOMB is almost here," Daniel said, looking at the ship on the horizon.

Daniel looked downwards, over the city. He tried to gather an impression of where the battle was, and where it was going.

Okay... the demons seem to be concentrated within a few blocks... and moving steadily towards the MBL headquarters. Think, Daniel...

The demons were converging mainly on three streets that ran through the centre of the city. Vasquez Street, Mahfood Road, and Millar Street.

Okay... gotta cut off those three streets between the demons and the HQ...

Daniel began rearranging rubble that was left by the earthquake. A concrete chunk here, a steel girder there.

Within moments, Daniel had built himself a makeshift wall about fifty metres away from the MBL HQ, blocking off the three streets.

The demons' unstoppable march continued until they reached the wall. The Leaguers maintained the fight, and kept on hitting the creatures with all they had.

But the enemy's numbers were simply too great. It was all the MBL could do to just slow them down slightly. They couldn't stop the advance entirely.

The demons hesitated when they reached the wall. A few tried to dig through it, or break it open. But they soon realised that, with the walls' thickness, that would too long. Simply going around it was the more efficient option.

The demons turned, and walked along the wall, looking for where it ended.

Okay... stage one worked... Daniel thought to himself.

"Everybody... this is Daniel. Sorry about the mental intrusion, but it's the quickest way to impart the plan. Let the demons travel the length of the wall, then wait for word from me." Daniel said to the gathering of heroes.

Several of them turned to Mighty Aphrodite for confirmation. She nodded.

Daniel began hastily constructing two more walls, at either end of his first wall.

By the time most of the demons had reached the end of the wall, they were finished.

Huge, thick constructions, consisting of whatever rubble Daniel could scavenge from the earthquake.

Suddenly, both demons and heroes alike were trapped within a giant horseshoe-shaped wall.

All the demons turned, to regroup in the centre.

"Okay... everybody... let the demons regroup, then herd them into the Morrison Building... that tall concrete one in the middle there," Daniel announced.

The demons formed a massive herd in one major intersection, turning outward to face the heroes. The heroes, following Daniel's order, began to lead them into the Morrison Building. A few of the heroes walked into the building themselves, luring the demons. Some of the more powerful heroes chased the demons inside, attacking wildly.

Within moments, most of the demons were inside.

"Okay, Everybody! Clear the building, now!" Daniel said. The heroes all ran out of the building and took cover, leaving the demons inside.

Daniel hovered above the building, and pushed downwards with all his telekinetic ability.

He concentrated, hard. Collapsing a building took a lot of energy.

The steel and concrete of the building's walls began to buckle. Windows shattered, spraying glass all over the surrounding streets.

The building collapsed inwards, crushing everything inside. Including the horde of demons.

Daniel floated slowly to the ground.

"Okay... Gooz... I'm coming back to HQ. That took a lot out of me, I need a bit of a rest. I got a lot of them... not all of them... I didn't stop 'em completely, but it should slow 'em down for a while..." Daniel thought.

"Okay, Dan. Get back here. You did good," Gooz thought back.