Call me Eurostar, I’m your guide trough this never ending war.
The little kid, scared to death, that cries in the arms of his mother, goes by the name of Pete McLebovich, and is the target of the forces of Hell swarming from the black castle towering over Thunder City.
McLebovich. A very strange name. Scottish-Russian? Espertingonzian? It’s a made up surname, for a kid that actually is the son of one of the most powerful cosmic being of the whole Hyperboards. Marc Campbell, the former Moderator. A long lost God, whose seat in the Courts of Light is covered by a thick layer of dust.
The power of the Moderator lives in the small body of Pete, and in the last few months has begun to manifests. A power that is the key, for hell, to open the gates of the Silver City, the residence of the Courts of Light. And now wave after wave of demons, of dead damned souls, of monster, are heading toward the MBL Headquarter, where Pete is hiding, with many other kids from the TIAMAT Institute.
Many heroes are fighting, and many more have died, to contain the army of Hell.
Daniel Page is engaged in battle with the Colony, the six armed monster that one time was my superpowered alien exoskeleton. But while the battle enrage, the body of the monster grows many other arms, from the thorax, from the back, from the legs, from the head. And each hands falls to the ground, and grows in the shape of a giant spider. Twelve giant spiders that attack Daniel, while the Colony resumes its walk toward the headquarters.
Meanwhile, inside the Citadel, the MBL Headquarters, the TOMB members are taking position for the defense.
At the same time, away in the Hyperboards, in the Klone Dome, base of the Junior Adventurers of the Message Board, a complex device is being built by Beckeneker, the retcon penguin, Mr. Max Yezpitelok and Hourlyquinn. The device will project Eurostar, my younger self, trough the Hyperboards, to retrieve each displaced leaguer.
“Eurostar, you will have only a short time span to stay in every Hyperboard you will visit. That’s why we need a speedster. You have to locate the person to rescue, and throw yourself toward him at full speed. He will arrive here, while you will jump on the next Hyperboard.
Are you ready?”
The young Eurostar gulps. These kids talk to him like he is the hero one day he will become, widely known across half a galaxy. Now he is just an inexperienced seventeen years old boy with some not so weird powers, like being able to run fast like ten times the speed of sound, a flash vision, and a superwhistle. Not the uncanny powers that the Colony will grant to him, that has granted to me in the past.
But this moment is the exact moment in which I became a true hero. And even if my brain was shouting louder “No! I’m not ready. I will never be ready”, my mouth opened to whispers a softly “Yes.”
“OK” says Joker2, and presses a button.
And the world whirlwinds in a kaleidoscope of colors, and the young Eurostar is projected trough one of the windows that dot the sky.
“Oh mamma!” he shouts.