Call me Eurostar, and read on.
A minute ago, the being that begun this War, the Colony, have been defeated by the joined effort of Daniel Page and of Captain Nemo.
Now, while Nemo is taking his previous position in the defense of the Citadel from the hordes of demons, and daniel flies off on the streets to help the remaining MBL reserves and sobsitutes, Bibbo is discovering the dead body of Avatar. And is crying.
Near him, the soul of the ex-mage.
"Hi. My name's Eurostar. I was with the MBL, years ago.2
"Since I'm lying on the floor, I suppose that you are dead like me" says Avatar, with the understatement that I knew from him, and that was wiped away by the horror of this War.
"Dead, and made an angel" I say.
"Can I enlist?" he smiles.
"I'm not in charge. But suicide, I think, have to go to the basement."
"Must be pretty empty, there" he jokes, pointing his finger to the mass of demons crawling over the walls of the Citadel.
A collector demon appears, and handcuffs him.
"Seems I have to go. Farewell, Eurostar"
I observe the scene with agryness and sadness, then I say "'later, Avatar"
Meanwhile, in the Hyperboards, my younger version has just arrived in Burdette's world, right in the middle of a MBL meeting.
"Hey, you are the young Eurostar, right?" asks Tobias.
"Yeah!" says Giovacchino, happy to see his master, even if rom a time before the two met.
"Quick, we have no seconds to waste. Giovacchino, I will send you in the Klone Dome, with JAMB, and your comrades from the MBL. Tobias, you have to go with me, we have to resque the two Igor.
In a matter of a second Edulcore hits with his speed the cat, that vanishes and reappears into the JAMB Headquarter, while the two speedster jump to the next Hyperboard.
But there is no trace of Igor JR.
“I can’t really say to have fulfilled my mission. More than a half of the persons I had to resque have chosen to remain in the other Hyperboards, or I haven’t able to find them” says the young Eurostar.
“If the other parallel Earths were just like the one where I ended, maybe there is much more needs for them in the new places than on our Earth. At home there are thousands of heroes, but in the Earth where I was with Giovacchino, to fight Burdette there are only seven heroes. You can’t blame our friends if they have chosen to stay where they are needed most… I’m sure Igor will find a way to come back. I heard he is able to cross into the Phantom Board” replies Tobias
“So, you think I have not failed…”
“No, Edulcore. You are a good hero… Well, what do we do, now, to return home?”
“We hit each other at full superspeed. We should return to the Dome, and then we will sail for Earth” explains Eurostar.
“OK!” The two speedsters chrashes one in the other, and both disappears.
But in the Klone Dome only Eurostar reappear.
“Oh, crap. Tobias has disappeared!” shouts the young hero.
“It’s ok, Euro” says Crush. Beckeneker has foreseen that. The Hypersignature of Christopher should have brought him directly back on Earth.”
[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]