Months AgoFinal of the X

VIPER snapped LLance's neck in under a second, the King falling to the ground.

Joker1 similiarly unleashed a SONIC SCREAM that tore off one of VIPER's arms. But, the scream stopped once VIPER had ripped his vocal cords out.

VIPER wasted no time, turning, he flew straight for The X at the dome, screaming in rage.

"I-WILL-NOT-BE-DENIED!!!!!!" he roared, his still attached arm stretching forward.

His glowing opal hand got within ten feet of The X....ready for a fatal blow.

Suddenly, Caledfwlch shot through his chest, its' blade protruding from his back.

VIPER, utterly impaled, slowly turned towards a seething I-Man, who simply uttered one word:


I-Man and VIPER locked into a powerhouse battle, Jack chopping away at the creature like a madman.

* * *

VIPER, sat slumped on his knees, staring at the ground, literally crying in anguish. The X stood behind him, arms folded, viewing the scene.

Chewy, The Tryst, LLance, Joker1, HourGirl, and Jonah had gathered around a joyous reunion, all smiling.

Malvana sat upright on her knees holding her newly returned son, Ritchie. Prometheus stood behind her, hand on her shoulder.

Dan walked up to Chewy.

"Son of a bitch..." he said.

Chewy looked at him. "What?"

Dan turned towards him, a smile coming over his face.

"We did it, didn't we? We won."

Chewy's smile broadened, slapping Dan on the back.

"Don't we always, Danny?"

Prometheus watched Malvana holding the semi-concious Ritchie, in silence.

He had done it. After all the planning. All the manipulation. All the centuries of strategy. He had finally done it.

Prometheus had won.

"You have lost, VIPER. Accept your fate." The X spoke to the sobbing dark lord.

VIPER said nothing. He knew that he had lost. He knew that the end was here.

YOUR TIME GROWS SHORT, X. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE EVER-AFTER... Continuity's voice drifted across everyone's hearing.

Chewy looked at Prometheus.

"What happens now?"

Prometheus walked over next to the TOMB leader.

"Well, Chewy, this is where we say goodbye..."

Everyone present turned at the words.

"What?!" Dan asked

Prometheus smiled, pulling off his coat, and folding it over one arm.

"With Ritchie back in the proper universe, the chain of events that lead to The X and VIPER are broken. The paradox has ended."

Chewy's eyes began to grow wide.

"....and, without The X...there will be no you..." his words came in hushed whispers.

Prometheus just smiled.

"Time to say farewell, Chewy Walrus."


Both men looked down at Malvana, who was resting Ritchie's head softly onto the makeshift blanket Tora had put together.

Prometheus looked at her, perplexed.


She walked over to the two.

"I said no. This is the end for The X...but not for you."

"Woman, he is me, as I am him." The X corrected her. "It is as he says."

"No, it isn't." She spoke towards The X, turning back towards Prometheus. "He still has one final destiny to fulfill. He still has a place in this universe."


* * *

"The waves of time are building. I cannot hold back the effects for much longer, X." The 2000 spoke in a tense fashion.

"Are...are we going to forget you now?" I-Man asked Prometheus.

"No. Everything that has happened...everything with The X, VIPER, all still stands as part of history. You'll forget the true nature of the universe. You'll never know that there has been anything but one universe. You'll even suddenly remember a history for Ritchie. And, the extra boost that The X gave your abilities this day will also be forgotten. It's best you learn them on your own, at your proper pace. But, the chain has been broken now. And, this is the finale of The X as you know it."


The X merely nodded, watching as VIPER finally accepting his fate, stood up, facing him.

"I WILL....MISS THIS....X..." VIPER spoke, a sad tone coming from his words.

"It is as it has to be, VIPER. You were a worthy opponent. Farewell." The X spoke to his adversary of eternity.

With that, the two godlings met each others palms, their bodies beginning to fuse together in a bright, piercing light.

The blinding light ended and they were gone.