(This was before Tobias post, but got deleted in the moving of the board)

Call me Eurostar, but my true name is Edulcorael. I’m an angel, you know.

Well, the War has ended. In the Multiverse there is no more X, and no more V. As it had to be since the Finale, now stand the W, Ry-Chard, the Watcher, the keeper of Light and Darkness.

Has peace really landed on Earth, finally?

I’m sorry, but it’s not so. The prophecies have not been fulfilled, yet. The X and the V have fallen, their hosts finally dead. Chewy has found peace, with his friend Milliard. God bless them. But for Earth, peace is a thing yet to conquer.

Because in Hell, now, many are laughing, as many are hiding in fear. The High Lord of Evil, Viper, is dead, banished in the Pit. His minions shiver in pain, but others makes plan. The king is dead, live the King!

The others that were in the shadow, now can rise. Cancellation! Azazel! Dark Fury! XXX! The generals of the hell’s army now have the change to step to the highest seat, second after the Abyss itself.

And so, now, in Hell, begins the inner war for leadership. The goal? Absorb the remaining energy of Viper? How come is possible that there are still Viper residual energies around?

Because whenever there is X, there is also V.

And the X has not really left the Hyperboards altogether. Chained to the wall of the Circles of Darkness, captured from the much distant parts of the Multivers Barriers, are the nine remaining Promethei. Prometheus I, II, II, and so on until the IX.

Only one time before they showed up on our planet, our timeline, our Board of Existence. Two years ago, during one of the countless battles between the MBL and IBG. Who are they? Where they come from? Nobody knows, and I suspect nobody never will. But Hell has captured the God Continuity, and for him, locating the nine Promethei was an easy task. A task he had to perform, a move on the checkboard he did to free some others players in this perilious game.

And now the Promethy are being sacrificed, killed with long knife made of pure darkness, to collect the remaining Viper energies for a new Hell Lord to rise. Tied all around the mouth of the Abyss, the Prometei, one after the other dies, as only Gods can dies, making whole Universe collapsing at the vibrational frequencies of their screams.

Many demon Lords laugh. Only one, in the shadow, observes the scene with a serious face. Lucifer Morningstar.

Meanwhile, in Promethean City, it’s the moment of the mourning of the friends. The surviving heroes gathers. There is no more a MBL, but also TOMB seems severely shattered. At the burial site, near Bibbo there are the few remaining mebers of the Time Ordkeepers: Joker1, LLance, Shock, Danny, Captain Nemo. Prometheus has disappeared, with Malvana, Avatar has killed himself, and Ghaleon has been sucked into a transdimensional portal. He has not returned. Also Mordecai has disappeared. He went invisible, and has never been seen since.

For the MBL it’s the same. Only Gooz, with his son, now a deity, the Watcher, daniel page and Changeling. And the just returned Sir Justin, on the back of his Hawk pigeon Palinor. With them, many new or old heroes gathers over the wreckage of the castle. Ry-Chard speaks: “The X and the V are no more. Gooz is free, he walks the Elysean Fields”.

A tears appears over the face of Bibbo. Chewy, the best friend of everybody, is dead. Gooz ponders over the words of his son. Without the X, Gooz will never become Prometheus X. Maybe Prometheus has not died in the Battle in the Castle. Maybe he never existed. The paradox of time will never cease to amaze him.

But not every demons has left the Earth.

My attention is quickly diverted from the battleground to the Citadel. The basement, the hiding place of the kids from TIAMAT.

There is a battle, over the wounded body of Lucky. I-2, the future son of Guy Smiley is battling two demons. Bem and MeDuSa, the mother of my son. I-2 has recognized Bem, finally he is about to fulfill the task for which he has returned from the future. Stopping Bem to take opossession of the Snake Headed Son. But altough they fight valiantly, the stone vision of the demonesse is unavoidable fro the teen heroes. And now he stand, thransformed into a staute. I know the effects will wore off eventually. But now nothing stands between her and her son. My son.

I can’t hope to influence anyone to help the kid. There are only two demons and my son. Hundreds of powered kid are in the next room, closed in. They are powerful as an army of MBCorpsmen, but they are scared to death. In no way I can succeeded into having them overcome the two demons.

They are here, behind a wall of steel, that for some of them would be like butter.

Yet, it is like they are hundreds of miles away.

And my son is alone, happy to see her mom.

“Mee wanna mommeee!” he smiles.

MeDuSa smiles, too, and her smiles is the most horrible thing I ever seen.

And she is walking toward my kid, and he is opening his little arms to her.

And I can’t do anything from here, I’m intangible, I could go up and ask to talk with God himself but she will hold him and bring him in Hell.

Oh God oh God oh God what I can do it can’t be end like this I don’t want to loose him another time he is my son i love him so much.

She touch him.

And I let myself to fall.

Every angel can do it. One time .

Fall. Fall from the grace of God on the hard soil of Earth.

Most do it for the love of a woman. Many have fallen for that.

I do it for the love of my son.

I would lie saying that is easy. No, it is not.

The warm of Heaven is not easy at all to left behind. But the smile of that theetless mouth will warm me as well.

The light of the Empirean sky will be hard to never be seen again. But the glows of those tiny black pupils will reward me a lot.

Many thing to leave. The clouds around the Silver City, the breeze over the Elysian Fields, the golden chariot of the Rhymer, where we were remembering the time spent in the MBL.

But many thing to have. The giggling little sounds from his mouth, the grasp of his tiny hands over my index finger. His strnge snore during the night. His smiles at the sight of the feeding bottle. How little I have of those moments before dying.




I let myself down.

In the fall, my wings are ripped off. My unlimited sight is blinded.

But I keep my memories.

And like no one before me, I fall on my feet.

But I was a Leaguer before.

The face of MeDuSa has to be seen.

“Eurostar! You… you died!”

“Reports of my death were… of fuck off, fiend!”

She blast her stone vision to me. I know her modus operandi. Her battle skill. I was in love with her, years ago, altough I can’t believe how that could happen.

Anyway, I simply jump away. And the stone vision reflects over the steel walls, and hits her. She is a stone now.

What I’m going to do is not really an act of heroism, but she tried to steal my son before, and I can’t let happen again.

I take a steel bar, a leftover of the wreckage of the battle of months ago with the minions of Entropy, and with it I hit the stone statue which is now MeDuSa. Of my once lover, now there is only dust.


“It was not mommy, son.”

He raise his head, to see me.

“Da… daddeee?”

“Yes, son, I’m back.”