who you callin an appelation???
well, damnit, i like wal mart. and i'm no white trashian, nor am i "the man" in some sorta store stomping conspiracy.
i just like cheap stuff all in one place.
wal mart idn't doin anything worse than supermarkets or malls. or fast food places. or one hour photo labs.
now, if the place (or any place) is sponsoring slave camps in other countries... that just aint right. and, odds are, many of the stores we frequent, indirectly or otherwise, are in situations like that.
and, its not that i want to take (or want to admit) that im so callous i don't care... however... we all have our own bottom lines to take care of.
my mortgage payments don't stop or decrease because i hate the ethics of walmart. food, medical payments, car payments, electric bills (etc) don't care if you save a buck buying cheaper cheese or not.
walmart helps. me.