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Ian McKELLAN (on Real Time w/ Bill Maher): Can I just quote you the third president, because there it is on the Jefferson Memorial, some of the great words ' and I'm sorry I don't know them off by heart, but he says, 'Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as manners and opinions change, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.' And that's barbarity.
I happened to be sitting only a few feet away from him as he recited those words at the taping of that episode. Powerful stuff.
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Pariah said:
Animalman said:
Pariah said:
And that devotion requires belief. Belief not based only on faith, but also understanding.
Belief and understanding.....in Christ. Not necessarily the Bible. The two aren't the same thing.
Infact, if I recall correctly, Jesus elaborated on and even revised certain parts of the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, which(according to Mark) he compressed into two simpler and more general ideas:
1.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul
2.Love your neighbor as yourself
Really? Can you elaborate on where exactly he elaborated? Because I never actually heard that before.
And Animalman, the Bible is Christ's teachings, it's God's teachings, so it would be the equivilant.
Also, those two quotes (which I can't exactly vouch for myself) don't sum up or "acronymize" the Ten Commandments nor do they add on/revise the old testament in any way.
The passage Animalman refers to (outside its full context, as is the norm for the pro-gay side of this topic) is from:
Matthew 22: verses 34-39:
The Greatest Commandment
34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
But whereas, Animalman implies that Christ declared these as the greatest commandments, to be practiced in exclusion of all the prior commandments, Christ says that they are the foundation of all the commandments to be kept.
Cross-referencing that with what Jesus said earlier:
Matthew 5: verses 17-20:
The Fulfillment of the Law
17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
So clearly Jesus did not intend these two basic principles to be some kind of vague feel-good replacement for the Old Tastament law.
Jesus merely says that the Old Testament law expands from these two basic principles. And that the Old Testament laws are to be maintained.
By faith we are saved.
But obedience of the law is a manifestation of that faith.
As these verses, and the others I quoted on the previous pages collectively make clear.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said:
The passage Animalman refers to (outside its full context, as is the norm for the pro-gay side of this topic) is from:
Matthew 22: verses 34-39:
The Greatest Commandment
34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Your cheapshot aside, thanks for quoting that passage. I didn't want to have to write it all out myself.
But whereas, Animalman implies that Christ declared these as the greatest commandments, to be practiced in exclusion of all the prior commandments, Christ says that they are the foundation of all the commandments to be kept.
No, I never implied that Christ was saying those two commandments should be practiced in exclusion of the others. I said that he was prioritizing the commandments, declaring that loving your neighbor and your God is the greatest(and most important) thing we, as people, can do. I also said that prioritizing them, was, in a sense, revisionment, but revisionment of the order of the commandments, not of the message of the commandments themselves.
Here's where I touched on that:
"It's Mark 12:28-31, if that's what you're indirectly asking. Jesus was asked which commandment was the most important, and responded by listing those two.
When you consider that this is holy scripture, to prioritize it is, infact, revisionment. These were supposedly God's words, these commandments. For any man to place one above another in importance would be not only pretentious but blasphemous as well. Jesus was clarifying, he was saying that loving everyone(especially God) is more important than anything else."
Additionally, the fact that Jesus says "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" would indicate it was a summarization of sorts.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said:
All the rights you describe would be available through civil union, without imposing restrictions on religious beliefs and freedom.
Actually, Dave, that is an unfortunate misconception.
Here are some of the differences between civil unions and marriage, from a financial standpoint, as detailed in this article:
*Insurance companies often will not sell gay couples life insurance on each other, says Faith Xenos, a certified financial planner and principal of SingerXenos Wealth Management in Coral Gables. That's because insurance companies typically require someone to have an ''insurable interest'' in order to buy the policy on someone else. An insurable interest is usually considered marriage or a business partnership.
*If one partner in a gay relationship loses his or her job, the other partner cannot continue health insurance coverage at their own cost under the federal law known as COBRA. Not so for married couples.
*Unmarried couples don't have the right to take time off from work under the Family and Medical Leave Act, which families use when a spouse or a child becomes ill.
*At many companies and governmental bodies, health insurance or other benefits are offered to domestic partners. But the employee must pay income tax on the value of that benefit. If the couple were married, there would be no tax for the spouse's insurance. Some gay couples instead buy a second policy to avoid the tax cost. Or they make their partner a dependent for tax purposes to get around the IRS.
*If one partner in a gay relationship dies, the other cannot receive Social Security survivor's benefits. Not so for marrieds.
As I said earlier in this thread, the real enemies here are the insurance companies and laws that don't give civil union members the same rights as married couples. Not the gays that are merely seeking equal rights, or the religious affiliates that wish to retain their definition of what marriage is.
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I was reasonably drunk when I first posted this so I edited it to clean it up and have it actually make some sense...
There really is no religious arguement. Jesus and/or God would rather you be celibate. He condones sex amongst the married as that's the only way we get children (ie-heterosexual marriage). I guarantee God doesn't want your wife giving you oral sex or you having anal sex with her. Like he doesn't want you to have anal sex with a man you love. Use common sense people. A sin is a sin. The Love God refers to is always the deeper one..love of the heart..not sex. Sex can strengthen the bond of trust and can be allegorical for becomming a union of one- as husband and wife.
On a purely secular note. Gays should be able to tie the knot. If some reverend is willing to say the judeo-christian God sanctions the marriage more power to them..it will be a lie of course. Now if you are speaking of a nameless faceless God of all..why not. That would be the God of all-not pertaining to a particular religion. No monotheistic religion sanction homosexual relation sthat i know of. If you are gay and truly believe the judeo-christian god sanctions your actions and behavior you are wrong..I honestly believe..but of course that is my opinion. I can't speak for God.
God doesn't want us to do anything we enjoy that resembles hedonism.
Homosexuality is sexual behavior..just like being freaky or having multiple partners or whatever. We all have the power to get drunk, be promiscuous, steal, lie..whatever. God doesn't condone any of it. How is the homosexual act or lifestyle any different.
Bottom line is that as long as a homosexual woman or man is practicing their belief system (biological predisposition) with a consenting adult it shouldn't matter and they should be able to get married. They shouldn't force someone to marry them that isn't willing as I'm sure there are thousands willing. It's a feel good world we live in..I live in it and enjoy it as well. And I'm wrong as well...from a judeo-christian viewpoint. That God certainly IMO doesn't sanctify such a union. I think it's more in line with the Clintonism of "what is means"...marriage depends on your definition.
I think as long as we aren't forcing, and imposing ourselves on the free will of others and labeling it as hate and intolerance then what's the problem?
Fire away................
Last edited by Pig Iron; 2004-03-07 11:45 PM.
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He also talked about what is and is not appropriate for Sabbath activities. Somewhat contradictory(depending on how you interpret it) to what is said in Exodus 31:14, Jesus says in Matthew 12:11-12 that "it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath", using the example of rescuing a sheep that has fallen into a pit. Keep in mind that Leviticus discusses numerous cases of Israelites being severely punished for desecrating the Sabbath, even in doing good deeds(for example, a man is put to death for collecting firewood in the middle of winter).
This wasn't revision. It was enlightenment. As far as this situation suggests, God had seen that his words were misconstrued, then made a correction. He didn’t re-word the Bible or change its principles.
There was a story in the New Testament somewhere where Christ cracked down on someone for justifying sin by using THEIR interpretation of a commandment. An interpretation that gave him the right to…….It was either murder or steal. The only way this situation differs is that they actually BELIEVED what they were doing was right. This other jerkoff was finding loopholes to serve his own ends. Though, because murder and/or theft are SPECIFICALLY prohibited, there's almost no way they can be generally justified. Anyway, slightly OT.
It's partly Christ's teachings interpreted through man(since, like God, Christ never wrote anything down himself), but it's not the embodiment of one or the other.
If you can't adopt conceptive argument, then we can't get any further with this line of response. My (and pretty much all of Catholicism's) beliefs are that the Bible is entirely God’s word and that Christ, himself, is God. The apostles wrote it with something beyond divine inspiration.
It's Mark 12:28-31, if that's what you're indirectly asking. Jesus was asked which commandment was the most important, and responded by listing those two.
When you consider that this is holy scripture, to prioritize it is, infact, revisionment. These were supposedly God's words, these commandments. For any man to place one above another in importance would be not only pretentious but blasphemous as well. Jesus was clarifying, he was saying that loving everyone(especially God) is more important than anything else.
Whoops! I just realized that they do sum them up. My bad. Confused my sentence meanings for a sec.
Animalman, those two quotes don’t actually change anything in the Ten Commandments and they don’t "prioritize" either. If you outline the mutual importance and goals between each of the commandments and the certain sins that are listed under each individual commandment, you’d find that all of them coincide with Christ’s feedback. They’re founding elements to the Ten Commandments.
Another thing Animalman. Because I believe that Christ is God, I wouldn’t find it blasphemous at all if he ever changed the Commandments.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "based on the scenario of having no condoms" or "the usual uniformed couples going at it", sexual ignorance and a lack of condoms is hardly exclusive to gay sex.
I wasn’t making it exclusive to gay sex, I was listing sexual ignorance under both hetero and homosexual acts.
Heterosexual intercourse also results in damage(the breaking of the hymen), and can leave a lasting "groove". The vagina adjusts to the size of the penis over time, a process that can be long and painful.
Dude. The vagina was designed for stretching and the uterus was as well. The sphincter, however, was not. And does not heal as well as the vulva.
Furthermore, the asshole wasn’t meant to evolve at all. Casual sodomy can get out of hand that way. Also, while the vagina has the hurt put on it a lot. The pain eventually ceases and then the pleasure is a bit more present. With sodomy, you have lasting pain and tenuousness with each sexual session. And like I said before, you DON’T want casual sodomy to mellow out the feelings through having done to your ass what is done to the vagina.
Let's not forget that childbirth is naturally one of the most physically damaging experiences imaginable, something that has killed numerous women(and babies), even in today's era of medicine. The muscles tear, hipbones are dislocated....while the end result is certainly positive the means by which it's achieved isn't too pretty.
This doesn’t really change anything. It’s devoid the fact that Sodomy is a procedure that has a high risk factor for diseases—And while I, myself do consider pregnancy a disease that the world can’t seem to kick, it’s in no way, validly comparable to Aids or HIV.. That was the whole point of my argument. The greater amount of fragility in the colon than the vagina is the increase in danger of not only physical negative effects but also biological ones.
Also, while we’re on this, there’s a REALLY good reason for going through so much pain Animalman, this isn’t so for sodomy. There’s no pleasure or greater outcome involved for the catcher. It, more often than not, just creates problems.
Somwhere along the lne my message had been lost when you made this response Animalman. But because I got so mixed up, I just decided to roll with it.
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No, I never implied that Christ was saying those two commandments should be practiced in exclusion of the others. I said that he was prioritizing the commandments, declaring that loving your neighbor and your God is the greatest(and most important) thing we, as people, can do. I also said that prioritizing them, was, in a sense, revisionment, but revisionment of the order of the commandments, not of the message of the commandments themselves.
One small comment here: I don't buy this at all. I'm not looking for a lasting discussion on this Animalman, but you made things pretty damn clear in their unthoroughness when you used your wording. If your refute was as technical as you make out, I'm confident that you would have explained a bit more in depth in the first place. I mean, you've done it a bunch of times.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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NYC Mayor: Gay Couples Merit Equal Rights
By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK - The mayor of the nation's largest city says same-sex couples deserve the same rights in civil unions that straight couples enjoy in marriage, but he will continue to enforce New York state's ban on gay marriage.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's statement, reversing his previous refusal to discuss his position on gay marriage, came the same week that dozens of same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses were turned away by the City Clerk, and that state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer held that gay and lesbian marriages are prohibited by state law.
Bloomberg said in an interview that he goes "back-and-forth" on whether same-sex marriages should be allowed, but believes these couples deserve equality.
"Personally, I've always thought that civil unions should have exactly the same rights as marriage," Bloomberg said during the interview, to be broadcast Sunday on WPIX-TV. "I don't think you should discriminate against anybody."
Bush warned me that gay people in San Francisco were getting married to each other and that, as a result, my traditional marriage is now threatened. But I just checked with my wife of 25 years and she told me our marriage is still doing just fine. Is it possible my president is misinformed? Misguided? Mistaken?
Art Verity
An unjustified war, 3 million jobs lost, families allowed to go homeless and hungry and uninsured, the environment sold to the highest bidder, corporate raids on pensions unpunished, Social Security cuts threatened, education for the poor slashed to the bone — these are immoral acts. Two men or two women holding hands and promising to take care of each other — that's the most moral thing in the news these days.
Kate Carnell Watt
So Bush wants to ban gay marriage. I thought the purpose of law and government was to protect people's rights and freedoms, not to diminish them.
Frank L. Atkin
The tide is growing and pretty soon, those arguing for the universal acceptance of their biases on religious grounds will soon be an abberation. A curiousity that is hard to beleive was ever condoned. Like "colored only" drinking fountains.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-03-07 8:56 AM.
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Pariah said:
Dude. The vagina was designed for stretching and the uterus was as well. The sphincter, however, was not. And does not heal as well as the vulva.
Furthermore, the asshole wasn’t meant to evolve at all. Casual sodomy can get out of hand that way. Also, while the vagina has the hurt put on it a lot. The pain eventually ceases and then the pleasure is a bit more present. With sodomy, you have lasting pain and tenuousness with each sexual session. And like I said before, you DON’T want casual sodomy to mellow out the feelings through having done to your ass what is done to the vagina.
Let's not forget that childbirth is naturally one of the most physically damaging experiences imaginable, something that has killed numerous women(and babies), even in today's era of medicine. The muscles tear, hipbones are dislocated....while the end result is certainly positive the means by which it's achieved isn't too pretty.
This doesn’t really change anything. It’s devoid the fact that Sodomy is a procedure that has a high risk factor for diseases—And while I, myself do consider pregnancy a disease that the world can’t seem to kick, it’s in no way, validly comparable to Aids or HIV.. That was the whole point of my argument. The greater amount of fragility in the colon than the vagina is the increase in danger of not only physical negative effects but also biological ones.
Also, while we’re on this, there’s a REALLY good reason for going through so much pain Animalman, this isn’t so for sodomy. There’s no pleasure or greater outcome involved for the catcher. It, more often than not, just creates problems.
Somwhere along the lne my message had been lost when you made this response Animalman. But because I got so mixed up, I just decided to roll with it.
Here's a site that essentially tells you to use lube, condom & common sense & you'll be fine. http://www.sexhealth.org/bettersex/anal.shtml I also got to add, I personally have never heard or read of anyone being hurt physically because of anal sex & following the rules, except for rape cases. If health was really an issue, there are many things that will shorten your lifespan. Being overweight, smoking and lack of exercise just some of them. Essentially a gay bottom is probably in much better health than say Jerry Falwell & all his blubber.
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Dave said:
The Mayor of San Francosco has said that this is is the contemporary equivalent of the black civil rights legislation.
I'm with that. Banning gay marriage is another form of aparthied.
It says some people can do somethng, but another class of citizens may not.
Marriage is not just a religious institution. Its a legal institution. It enables inheritence, social security payments, all manner of legal rights. A religious argument is a misleading argument which bypasses the legal impact of such a ban.
Good point & one that is ironically proven on this thread as opponents argue a separate but equal case with Civil Unions. As pointed out these are not equal. Historically, separate but equal has never resulted in equal.
Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2004-03-07 11:42 PM.
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Here's a site that essentially tells you to use lube, condom & common sense & you'll be fine. http://www.sexhealth.org/bettersex/anal.shtml />
I'm basing this entire argument on the relatively large dangers and usual unsafe sex practiced by people. I know they're are things that help the....Unhelpful process itself, but my point is that they aren't being used often by majorities I'm reading up on in my area. I mean, I'm not sure how much of problem there is where you are, but I see reports of public (unprotected) sodomy a lot--It's actually one of the bigger problems. A bigger but less intense problem being GTA.
I also got to add, I personally have never heard or read of anyone being hurt physically because of anal sex & following the rules, except for rape cases.
Certainly not what I've heard--Not even from the (promiscuous) gay person I used to meet every day at Cisco. People definitely get hurt from it. I don't think there's any question about that. And even so, people CAN get hurt from it very easily and the fact that it's something that people would essentially and routinely get hurt by it makes that rather irrelevent
If health was really an issue, there are many things that will shorten your lifespan. Being overweight, smoking and lack of exercise just some of them. Essentially a gay bottom is probably in much better health than say Jerry Falwell & all his blubber.
Yes, these can shorten your life-span, but they're not the issue. The fact that another action that causes health problems is (in SOME cases) bigger in the problem department than sodomy doesn't justify taking our eyes away from the subject. Sodomy is a near and clear danger. It's not subtle like smoking, a person not excercizing, eating too much, and the like. It's a blatant mis-use and dangerous way to use the body--Any way you slice it.
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I cleaned up my above post for drunken idiocy and errors in syntax and intent.
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Yeah, I was wondering about the wording of your post. It was really out of character.
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Pariah said: This wasn't revision. It was enlightenment. As far as this situation suggests, God had seen that his words were misconstrued, then made a correction. He didn’t re-word the Bible or change its principles.
Wait, what? You say it's not revisionment, but then you say God "made a correction". If the situation changes, then so does the interpretation of that situation.
If you can't adopt conceptive argument, then we can't get any further with this line of response. My (and pretty much all of Catholicism's) beliefs are that the Bible is entirely God’s word and that Christ, himself, is God. The apostles wrote it with something beyond divine inspiration.
Eh, I think you're a little off here, Pariah. Fundamentalist Christians believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, yes, but it's far from a universally Catholic belief.
I, myself, am not religious, but I've attended Catholic schools my entire life, and studied them just as long. I'm currently studying it as part of my philosophy minor. While I wouldn't call myself an "expert", I've been around Catholics/Christians long enough to have a fairly good idea of their religious ideologies.
Animalman, those two quotes don’t actually change anything in the Ten Commandments and they don’t "prioritize" either. If you outline the mutual importance and goals between each of the commandments and the certain sins that are listed under each individual commandment
....and how would you "outline the mutual importance and goals between each of the commandments and the certain sins that are listed under each individual commandment"?
Another thing Animalman. Because I believe that Christ is God, I wouldn’t find it blasphemous at all if he ever changed the Commandments.
You misread, I said "for any man to place one above another in importance would be not only pretentious but blasphemous as well". Jesus, according to Christian belief, is all man, but also all God, so it doesn't apply to him.
I wasn’t making it exclusive to gay sex, I was listing sexual ignorance under both hetero and homosexual acts.
Ah, ok. That was a little unclear to me from your post.
Dude. The vagina was designed for stretching and the uterus was as well. The sphincter, however, was not. And does not heal as well as the vulva.
Sure, but damage is still done.
Furthermore, the asshole wasn’t meant to evolve at all.
This is way off topic, but I'd love to hear how exactly you can prove what is and what isn't meant to evolve. The Bible says that gay sex is wrong, but it doesn't say that it's wrong because anal sex tears the rectal issue. The argument most commonly constructed by theologians(though not directly evidenced by scripture), is that gay sex is wrong because procreation cannot be achieved through it.
With sodomy, you have lasting pain and tenuousness with each sexual session.
No, not necessarily. Some enjoy it, and don't find it to be an eternally painful experience. I've even met a few girls that love anal sex.
This doesn’t really change anything. It’s devoid the fact that Sodomy is a procedure that has a high risk factor for diseases—And while I, myself do consider pregnancy a disease that the world can’t seem to kick, it’s in no way, validly comparable to Aids or HIV.. That was the whole point of my argument. The greater amount of fragility in the colon than the vagina is the increase in danger of not only physical negative effects but also biological ones.
Gay sexual promiscuity has a high risk factor for diseases(as does heterosexual promiscuity), but if the two gay individuals are monogamous, and are tested, there is no risk.
Also, while we’re on this, there’s a REALLY good reason for going through so much pain Animalman, this isn’t so for sodomy. There’s no pleasure or greater outcome involved for the catcher. It, more often than not, just creates problems.
A statement of love? Consummation of a deeply intimate relationship? I'd imagine most gay couples would call that a positive outcome.
Besides, your original statement was that "the physical differences between the sphincter and the vagina is the biggest factor here." You make no mention of the positive outcomes of intercourse, or of the purpose of the activity.
Somwhere along the lne my message had been lost when you made this response Animalman. But because I got so mixed up, I just decided to roll with it.
Not lost, changed.
One small comment here: I don't buy this at all. I'm not looking for a lasting discussion on this Animalman, but you made things pretty damn clear in their unthoroughness when you used your wording. If your refute was as technical as you make out, I'm confident that you would have explained a bit more in depth in the first place. I mean, you've done it a bunch of times.
I did explain it. I explained it quite clearly. I use the word "prioritizing" several times in my explanation. If you interpret that as suggesting one should be practiced in exclusion of the others, then I'm afraid the fault is yours, not mine.
Perhaps you read what you wanted to read into what I said, simply because I have the audacity to disagree with you.
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P.S-the link isn't coming up there, Pariah.
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I do feel that those other things are important in this discussion. It shows that bad choices or behavior that actually are proven to shorten the life span are not outlawed. This would be comparable to the crack addict saying you shouldn't have that second cheeseburger. I think you need to show some type of study that shows protected anal sex is more dangerous than say being a couple pounds overweight. And if we're going to argue that those issues don't belong in this debate I could point out the same thing with the whole anal sex issue belonging in the gay marriage debate. It doesn't apply to lesbians, and it certainly doesn't to all gay males. Many just stick to oral sex and stuff. So we have some unquantifiable number of those actually doing "it" and some slutty gay you talked too, who felt damaged by it.
And I think it comes down to your not gay, any type of gay male sex probably repulses you and that in turn feeds a bias IMHO
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Pig Iron said: I cleaned up my above post for drunken idiocy and errors in syntax and intent.
I didn't notice 
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Heh... Anyway, my intention was simply to say that my belief is that any sexual behaviour that deviates from straight hetero procreation for babies, or any sexual practice that involves no possibility of creating a child is probably not biblically sanctioned. Hence-condoms, the pill, withdrawal, etc are certainly frowned upon. But as I said that is from a judeo-christian viewpoint-certainly not a secular one.
And that is not to say that 99% of Christians (atleast in the western world) don't participate in all or some of the above I just mentioned.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
I believe you can't take the moral highground when you're still waddling in the mud. I do believe the intent of the Bible's message of proper sexual behaviour is fairly clear though. No shenanigans...
And therefore my ultimate point is that while gays/lesbians should be able to marry and be recognized. I think in no way shape or form should a reverend be forced to marry a couple he/she doesn't want to. Nor should that be considered hate or intolerance. There are pastors or reverands in branches of the church that would sanction such a union and there are justices of the peace.
Again, this is where the definition of marriage comes into play. Is it a religious ceremony/institution or just a union of 2 people?
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Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Dave said: The Mayor of San Francosco has said that this is is the contemporary equivalent of the black civil rights legislation.
I'm with that. Banning gay marriage is another form of aparthied.
It says some people can do somethng, but another class of citizens may not.
Marriage is not just a religious institution. Its a legal institution. It enables inheritence, social security payments, all manner of legal rights. A religious argument is a misleading argument which bypasses the legal impact of such a ban.
That is, once again, an ornately crafted mischaracterization.
All the rights you describe would be available through civil union, without imposing restrictions on religious beliefs and freedom. Again, there is a larger, and deceitfully cloaked agenda, as my example of what is already being enacted to repress religious freedom in Canada. If equal legal rights were the true issue, civil union would be satisfactory. The real goal of gay activists is to shut religion, and specifically Christianity, out of the the system, and out of public speech.
Funny, I thought you'd raise civil unions.
Setting aside Animalman's comments about the lack of legal equality between marriage and civil union, it also creates a caste or aparthied system.
Straights get the full measure. Gays get the other version.
The stat that many blacks don't support gay marriages means nothing. Since when does equality depend upon a measure of opinion by a particular class of people?
I've read nothing here against gay marriage so far which isn't apologism for discrimination. At least the Klan wore white hoods so we could spot them more easily.
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Dave said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Dave said:
The Mayor of San Francosco has said that this is is the contemporary equivalent of the black civil rights legislation.
I'm with that. Banning gay marriage is another form of aparthied.
It says some people can do somethng, but another class of citizens may not.
Marriage is not just a religious institution. Its a legal institution. It enables inheritence, social security payments, all manner of legal rights. A religious argument is a misleading argument which bypasses the legal impact of such a ban.
That is, once again, an ornately crafted mischaracterization.
All the rights you describe would be available through civil union, without imposing restrictions on religious beliefs and freedom.
Again, there is a larger, and deceitfully cloaked agenda, as my example of what is already being enacted to repress religious freedom in Canada. If equal legal rights were the true issue, civil union would be satisfactory.
The real goal of gay activists is to shut religion, and specifically Christianity, out of the the system, and out of public speech.
Funny, I thought you'd raise civil unions.
Setting aside Animalman's comments about the lack of legal equality between marriage and civil union, it also creates a caste or aparthied system.
Straights get the full measure. Gays get the other version.
The stat that many blacks don't support gay marriages means nothing. Since when does equality depend upon a measure of opinion by a particular class of people?
I've read nothing here against gay marriage so far which isn't apologism for discrimination. At least the Klan wore white hoods so we could spot them more easily.
Your emotionally charged stereotypes of anyone who opposes gay marriage is just so much posturing pretentious drivel, Dave.
I don't believe what Animalman posted above. That is a distortion by advocates of gay marriage, I'm sure.
I fail to see how civil unions as an alternative creates "an apartheid".
Since gays retain all the rights to insurance, health benefits, spousal estates, etc., under proposed civil unions.
As I've said endlessly, if gays really need or deserve these rights, civil unions gives them those rights to benefits, without urinating on religious freedom, and outlawing the ability of Christians and other groups to teach the real moral standard their Bible teaches. Instead of a politically correct gayed-down repression of the truth.
That is my major distaste with gay rights.
And I notice in your arguments, that you ignore and don't give a flying crap about lost religious freedom in Canada that I've described above. Which is a precursor for what is planned for the United States.
True freedom allows Christians to practice their religion in the scriptural form God gave it to them (and I've posted earlier several times about the historical evidence for scripture being accurately preserved for 2000 years, with at least 60,000 handwritten manuscripts in existence from within 100 years of Christ's death and resurrection.)
True freedom doesn't proclaim "freedom" for gays, while taking freedom of religion from the 33% of the U.S. population who attend church weekly, and the larger 80% of the U.S. population who mostly don't attend church but still describe themselves when polled as "Christian".
And Jewish. And Muslim. And Hindu. And Buddhist. Or agnostic, who just don't approve of the gay lifestyle, and don't want their goverment to force it on them.
If civil unions didn't offer this alternative in the first place (equal rights, but within a secular framework, that doesn't outlaw religious teachings that homosexuality is immoral, or change the definition of marriage out from under Christians and others), then why would liberals suggest it at all? It's not like civil unions are the idea of conservatives. Howard Dean's state (New Hampshire) already has civil union as its legal standard.
In any case, I fail to see the need for rude stereotypes of any dissenters of your oh-so-superior-and-enlightened views on the subject of gay rights.
As a wise man said on the DC boards: You have an opinion. I have and opinion. Let's learn to deal with it.
And as I've said elsewhere:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Originally posted by Dave:
I read "tradition and policy" as "homophobia".
I read "homophobia" as daring to voice an intelligent opinion that bucks the opinion of the gay/liberal community, and being falsely labelled a "hater" of some kind, to undermine dismissively the logic and intelligence of those views.
I read the "bigot" label the same way.
"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."
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1 Samuel 18:1-5 1: When he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. 2: And Saul took him that day, and would not let him return to his father's house. 3: Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. 4: And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his girdle. 5: And David went out and was successful wherever Saul sent him; so that Saul set him over the men of war. And he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul's servants. 
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The Samuel verses were already covered, on page 17 of this topic:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Your reading of these verses from 1 Samuel , Matter Eater Man, are, again, false and misrepresentative.
Saul was then king of Israel. Jonathan his son.
David is a shepherd, and Jesse is David's father.
Jonathan had a close friendship with David, DEFINITELY not to be confused with a homosexual relationship, as you imply.
What possible scholarly justification do you have for such a skewed interpretation?
Jonathan's giving of his tunic and personal items to David, and particularly his weapons, including his sword, indicates submission and loyalty to David's authority, and symbolically (as well as literally) indicates that he recognizes David's authority over King Saul's, and points to David as the future king of Israel.
Jonathan has made this manifestation of loyalty, despite the fact that it undermines Jonathan's own accession to the throne of Jonathan's father, King Saul.
Saul is outraged and jealous, because Jonathan has chosen David over Saul as the rightful authority, even at the loss of Jonathan's own accession to the throne. Saul was interested in his own personal ambition, not serving God, and in contrast, David's courage and selflessness earned Jonathan's loyalty, even over his own legagy to be king, and even over Jonathan's loyalty to his own father, King Saul.
A kiss between men in ancient times, and even in many parts of the world today (on the cheek usually) is often a sign of friendship and not sexual in nature.
When Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans, he did so with a kiss as the signal, and when the Romans saw the kiss, it identified which was Jesus, so the Romans could swarm in and arrest him. It certainly didn't indicate that Jesus and Judas had a homosexual relationship, any more than David and Jonathan were homosexuals.
You also --to the misrepresentative advantage of your flawed argument-- omit sections within the same paragraph of 1 Samuel that discuss David's courtship and marriage to one of Saul's daughters (verses 20-27)
Here are ALL the verses, together in their full context:
Verses 12-16 make clear the reason for Saul's jealousy is clearly NOT a belief that his son is a homosexual. It is because David is popular and favored and revered, by all of Israel, by God, and by Saul's own son Jonathan.
Samuel 18, verses 12-16:
12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had left Saul.
13 So he sent David away from him and gave him command over a thousand men, and David led the troops in their campaigns.
14 In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him.
15 When Saul saw how successful he was, he was afraid of him.
16 But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he led them in their campaigns.
Once again, your reading of this as homosexual in nature goes against scripture throughout the Bible, that CONSISTENTLY makes clear the Bible's (and God the Father's, and Jesus') condemnation of homosexuality, in both the Old and New Testaments.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said: I don't believe what Animalman posted above. That is a distortion by advocates of gay marriage, I'm sure.
What part of it don't you believe?
These are real laws and policies that give a clear advantage to married couples, not civil union couples.
Since gays retain all the rights to insurance, health benefits, spousal estates, etc., under proposed civil unions.
"Proposed civil unions"? What proposed civil unions?
As I've said endlessly, if gays really need or deserve these rights, civil unions gives them those rights to benefits
Not as it stands today, they don't.
Or agnostic, who just don't approve of the gay lifestyle, and don't want their goverment to force it on them.
I'm Agnostic. What makes you think Agnostics don't approve of the gay lifestyle?
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i dont think he was talking about you gay agnostics....
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Animalman, your questions are annoyingly inane and nitpicky, and the answers to your questions are obvious. Or at least they should be after 37 pages.
Animalman said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
I don't believe what Animalman posted above. That is a distortion by advocates of gay marriage, I'm sure.
What part of it don't you believe?
These are real laws and policies that give a clear advantage to married couples, not civil union couples.
I don't believe any of it. It's a hyperbolic distortion to say gays have no rights.
If they don't have "spousal" death benefits, for example, they can just as easily write a will. As was explored earlier in the topic.
Animalman said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Since gays retain all the rights to insurance, health benefits, spousal estates, etc., under proposed civil unions.
"Proposed civil unions"? What proposed civil unions?
Why are you even asking this STUPID STUPID question ?!?
The proposed civil union laws we hear about every night on the news.
Even George W. Bush and John Kerry discuss it.
And while no other state has civil union laws at this time at present, except New Hampshire, it is clearly on the table being seriously proposed and discussed.
I myself only oppose civil union laws for gays because it won't be the end result. It will only be used as a beach-head to launch a further assault on religious/Christian freedom, and further attempt to defile the concept of marriage.
Animalman said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
As I've said endlessly, if gays really need or deserve these rights, civil unions gives them those rights to benefits
Not as it stands today, they don't.
Thank you for stating the obvious. Given gays' use of any secular rights to launch an assault on religious freedom, they don't deserve them.
I would be tolerant of secular civil union for gays, if a balance was maintained that protected religious freedom. But clearly, gays (aligned with the ACLU, and other secularist liberal groups) have a clearly stated agenda to re-define the concept of marriage out from under Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and every other religious group.
I don't condone gays obtaining greater rights at the expense of taking away religious freedom from millions of others.
Animalman said:
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Or agnostic, who just don't approve of the gay lifestyle, and don't want their goverment to force it on them.
I'm Agnostic. What makes you think Agnostics don't approve of the gay lifestyle?
Another STUPID STUPID statement of yours. Congratulations on re-inventing the obvious.
Obviously, not all agnostics approve of gay marriage. Obviously not all agnostics oppose gay marriage either.
That can obviously be said of any political or religious or demographic group. Opinions vary.
But a clear majority of the public in every poll I've ever seen clearly opposes gay marriage. And in light of that, the tyranny of a few highly placed liberals in our courts, who have bypassed legislation to arrogantly impose their will on the majority, should not stand.
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Dave the Wonder Boy said: Animalman, your questions are annoyingly inane and nitpicky, and the answers to your questions are obvious. Or at least they should be after 37 pages.
Dave, your responses are insulting and avoid actually answering the question, which isn't "obvious". They're not "obvious", because you haven't answered the questions. Instead, you spend pages upon pages blasting gays and liberals, ranting about how everyone is out to get you, trying to force their evil political agenda on unfortunate individuals like yourself.
Instead of actually answering the question, you throw your arms in the air and roll your eyes, as if the mere fact that someone can ask them is offensive to you. Which it shouldn't be, because they're valid questions, and ones you, again, haven't answered. At least, not to my satisfaction. Sorry, but I don't find just "because (blank) says so", to be an acceptable answer. You might think that ends the discussion right there, but to me, it doesn't. To really answer the question, you have to tell me why, and prove to me that your reasoning holds water.
Animalman said: I don't believe any of it. It's a hyperbolic distortion to say gays have no rights.
Of course they have some rights. Civil unions just don't provide nearly as many benefits as marriage does.
If they don't have "spousal" death benefits, for example, they can just as easily write a will. As was explored earlier in the topic.
It goes far beyond what's detailed in a will. As stated in the article I posted:
"If one partner in a gay relationship dies, the other cannot receive Social Security survivor's benefits. Not so for marrieds."
Why are you even asking this STUPID STUPID question ?!?
The proposed civil union laws we hear about every night on the news.
I asked it sarcastically, because I think it's a "STUPID STUPID" statement. The proposed civil unions are hardly any different from the current institution, and that the laws are meaningless unless insurance companies recognize them otherwise(as detailed in the article I posted). For politicans to pretend that's not true just insults the intelligence of all Americans.
Given gays' use of any secular rights to launch an assault on religious freedom, they don't deserve them.
That's a scary thought, Dave. What if gays used the same logic to say religious individuals didn't deserved their rights?
Another STUPID STUPID statement of yours. Congratulations on re-inventing the obvious.
Obviously, not all agnostics approve of gay marriage. Obviously not all agnostics oppose gay marriage either.
I never said or implied you were using this generalization to describe all agnostics. I'm wondering why you would think even a majority of agnostics would be opposed to the gay lifestyle.
You continually cite public opinion polls, but are those polls specifically sampling agnostic individuals, or people in general?
The most common argument by far I've seen opposing the gay lifestyle is one based on scripture. Agnostics don't follow scripture. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some that don't approve of it for other reasons, but from my personal experience, I see no reason to believe they are the norm.
If there is a poll involving an exclusively agnostic sample section, I'd be very curious to see it.
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the vast majority of my friends are agnostic and they dont believe that gays should marry, thats not scientific but id assume theyre represenitive.
i think if queers wanna butt bang each other thats there own business, but i dont think our goverment should be in the business of sanctioning it, and i do think if you make someones tax dollars such as SS go to pay for benifits to someones butt bang partner you are infringing on their reigious rights, and or personal beliefs....
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Whatever happened to Klinton and Beardguy? I rather liked them. I enjoyed their well thought out posts...all I see now is mostly name calling and the same arguements.
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i think if queers wanna butt bang each other thats there own business, but i dont think our goverment should be in the business of sanctioning it, and i do think if you make someones tax dollars such as SS go to pay for benifits to someones butt bang partner you are infringing on their reigious rights, and or personal beliefs....
The problem with that line of reasoning is that we pay taxes too but don't get the same "bang" for our buck. When you or the others speak of "our" government, you forget it's not just your government. A great many of gay people are part of it, many making far bigger contributions to this country than you or I.
Fair play!
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I was going to draft a response to your post, Animalman. But then I read Britney's post, which already captured my desired response so well.
As usual, Animalman, you've once again obsessed on minutia that diverts from my central point.
You turn it into a discussion of whether a majority of agnostics oppose gay marriage. But my point is not even putting a number on what ratio of agnostics oppose gay marriage. My point is simply that some do, whether that's 10% or 95%. My point is that you don't have to be Christian, or of any particular religion, or even the slightest bit religious to oppose gay marriage. You can just intuitively believe that gay marriage is wrong, and that endorsing/legalizing/legitimizing it is not something the U.S. government should do.
But you turn it into a meaningless red herring issue that I somehow said a majority of agnostics oppose gay marriage, and challenge me to produce documentation to prove it. Prove something I never said in the first place?
A majority of America opposes gay marriage, that I said.
And again, my point is that a tiny minority of at best 2% does not have the right to change the definition of marriage out from under the rest of us.
That is tyranny of a minority, that takes away the rights of the majority.
Regarding your allegation of my "insults", I've only, if somewhat firmly from worn-down patience, stated the facts.
No matter how many times I answer, no matter how much detail and clarification, no matter how many links and articles, you come BACK AND BACK AND BACK and ask the same questions. Not even new questions, the same questions.
And while you clearly reject answers that don't conform to your worldview, they have been answered. Exhaustively.
I've answered, with the increased futility that you clearly just don't want to hear it. No matter how validly I make the case, you and others come back with "bigot" and "homophobe", and other labels for those who have legitimate and fully articulated objections to gay marriage.
All these labels slapped on me and other conservatives, despite the evidence for my argument, as demonstrated by what is happening in Canada, and what gay activists and their attorneys in the U.S. publicly say are their objectives.
So think what you want, you clearly are not open to any truth beyond your own pre-conceived notions. And I don't feel obligated to make detailed arguments beyond this point, that clearly fall on deaf ears. If you don't see what's happening as an attack on Christianity and more broad religious freedom, it's only because you choose not to. The writing is on the wall.
And given that you earlier tried to argue Nazi genocide was based on Hitler's alleged Roman Catholic "christianity", I think your biases are clear.
Far fetched indeed.
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Wait, what? You say it's not revisionment, but then you say God "made a correction". If the situation changes, then so does the interpretation of that situation.
This statement is just plain weird Animalman. I can’t tell exactly what you mean by it. But I’ll repeat with a bit more clarity.
The true meaning of God’s words was misconstrued by his children. So, he corrected his children and imbued upon them knowledge of etiquette. The situation is static. If you’re doing good DIRECTLY, you can work on Sunday.
Eh, I think you're a little off here, Pariah. Fundamentalist Christians believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, yes, but it's far from a universally Catholic belief.
I, myself, am not religious, but I've attended Catholic schools my entire life, and studied them just as long. I'm currently studying it as part of my philosophy minor. While I wouldn't call myself an "expert", I've been around Catholics/Christians long enough to have a fairly good idea of their religious ideologies.
Animalman, generalized opinions in the (pseudo)Catholic communities and individuals who have different interpretations of God other than what the Bible has interpreted for them means they’re not full Catholics. Like I said before; to be a Christian or Catholic, it takes a certain amount of agreeance and belief in the Bible. i.e. all of it. Your OPINION of the Bible and its contents are irrelevant. Look inside any Catechism book and you’ll find that this belief is taught and circulated throughout the Church—And for any practicing Catholic, it is required.
Side note: I know a lot of Catholic Schools, and never have I heard this belief questioned by general public of the schools/staff of said schools. Which ones have you been around exactly?
....and how would you "outline the mutual importance and goals between each of the commandments and the certain sins that are listed under each individual commandment"?
Well, lets see….
All of the Commandments contain the sole purposes to be civil to our fellow man and to please God by following his regulations. If I were to go over the main sins that are a given for each Commandment, I think we’d establish the mutual importance made known by Jesus’ two quotes.
1) I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods Before me.
Rather obvious. Because there are no other gods other than God himself, it would be offensive and evil to worship [I]nothing[/I] with the intensity someone who believed in him would worship him. Sometimes it would be worse and they worship those strange gods in cruel and unusual ways that would speak against the Ten Commandments with more force.
To spread the ideals of these false gods to other men and alienate them away from the real God would be to very possibly deny them salvation and God’s eternal love.
2) Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain.
Another obvious offense to God. Using his name as nothing more than a swear is a huge insult. Considering how low in standards we hold the meanings of the terms we shout out in anguish. Not mentioning the fact that His name isn’t meaningless and therefore shouldn’t be used in a meaningless fashion.
Perpetuating this offense among your fellow man and making it a habit not only for you but for someone else impressionable (little kids perhaps) would be just plain wrong. Then there’s the people who are offended by the action due to lack of respect.
3) Remember thou keep holy the Lords day.
God doesn’t want you to forget him. To forget God is to be detached from him. And to be detached from him is being detached from salvation.
Mostly the same as the 2nd. If you have children and you raise them ungodly and spit on his teachings or remain indifferent to them, you’re cheating those kids out of Heaven. The same could go for a friend who listens to only your opinion, which is anti-Catholic or is indifferent to Catholicism.
4) Honor thy father and thy mother.
Because the parents are the ones who are teaching you about God, and they’re the ones responsible for your spiritual growth, you need to listen to them and follow their instructions that are in accordance with God’s.
You’re representing your parents in this department, and if you screw your parents over by misrepresenting their teachings of God or remaining ignorant/indifferent, you’re hurting them and whomever you influence.
[Of course this would be an entirely different story if those parents wouldn’t even follow the Ten Commandments themselves and/or had no belief in God. These don’t mean you stop honoring them ESPECIALLY if you’re following the covenant. There are circumstances here.]
5) Thou shalt not kill.
God took HIS time to make that human being you killed, and it was HIS property to. You had no right to damage it.
Killing someone does more than just harm your fellow man OBVIOUSLY.
6) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Because God made sex a sacred act only to be practiced between a (male/female) married couples, to destroy that sacredness would be a great offense. And because we would be using our bodies in such a way that he did not WANT them to be used, it would just make it even worse—Especially if sexual stimulation was induced by homosexual abominations. The same goes for masturbation.
We all know what adultery can do to other people emotionally, and we also know that [I]casual[/I] sex is dangerous in any form we try it out in (no matter what the odds). We’d be hurting other emotionally and physically.
7) Thou shalt not steal.
……..God hates it. We’re supposed to make the most out of our own lives, not make the most out of it using someone else’s life.
The object taken might have meant something BIG to the person who originally owned it, and THEY were the ones who….*shrug* Broke their backs to earn it.
8) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
God didn’t create speech for it to be deceptive, he made it for our BENEFIT of communication. To use communication [u]blatantly[/u] wrong would be to not only to misinform and (in many cases) hurt people, but also to abuse your privilege.
9) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
Sexual fantasies are dangerous grounds to be dwelling on, and could very well lead to adultery and, in turn, the violation of sacred vows written by God.
Your neighbor worked damn hard to get that wife, I don’t think he’d like you ogling and (in many instances), she wouldn’t either. Makes her feel like a piece of meat and all that prolly, not to mention that obsession isn’t healthy for you either. Get your own.
10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
Again, perpetuating temptation and dwelling on dangerous ground that could very well lead to theft is something God no rikey.
Could kill your neighbors trust and continue to create cynics (exactly like me) all over the world. A characteristic that makes it very easy to lose faith or any chance of having faith.
This fits perfectly with Jesus’ words.
You misread, I said "for any man to place one above another in importance would be not only pretentious but blasphemous as well". Jesus, according to Christian belief, is all man, but also all God, so it doesn't apply to him.
Animalman, it seemed to apply for you in the statement made by you right over here….
Jesus was clarifying, he was saying that loving everyone(especially God) is more important than anything else.
Now, this may not contradict anything you said, but it still raises the question: Why mention blasphemy in changing scripture when Jesus is the only one being implied as having done it, and then afterwards say that Jesus didn’t count in the first place?
Sure, but damage is still done.
No, not necessarily. Some enjoy it, and don't find it to be an eternally painful experience. I've even met a few girls that love anal sex.
Approaching this segment from the monogamous to represent lasting danger and potential (very high risk) pain:
That damage eventually stops, because the vagina evolves to a consistent dick size and because of the differing quality of the vagina to the sphincter of natural lubrication. The fetish of anal sex may be loved by a bunch of people, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’d need to exercise and infinitely greater amount of caution to participate in it. This makes vaginal sex not only safer, but also easier (and easier to be safer). So, anyway, while damage stops for the vagina, it just keeps on going with the ass.
This is way off topic, but I'd love to hear how exactly you can prove what is and what isn't meant to evolve.
Heh! Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong on this one from the scientific angle? The sphincter is meant to relieve the body of waste and that’s all. If you have a theory of why it SHOULD evolve or how it COULD evolve into a body part that was meant for insertion AS WELL AS excreting with as much results as having two separate holes for two different functions…Then I’d love to here it.
The Bible says that gay sex is wrong, but it doesn't say that it's wrong because anal sex tears the rectal issue. The argument most commonly constructed by theologians(though not directly evidenced by scripture), is that gay sex is wrong because procreation cannot be achieved through it.
This is true, but it’s not the ONLY reason. The abominable act is also complemented by physical abuse towards your neighbor AND yourself.
If you remember the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” and all it entails, we’d see that not only the extermination of life is a sin, but also that hurting the body in general is a huge sin. Sodomy is a type of way to hurt the body—Gentle or not, it leaves lasting (short or long depending on sexual habits) effects. Not only is homosexual sex an abomination, but also a type of sado-masochism, which is definitely not allowed. As to how I would justify my statement of why it wasn’t MEANT to evolve in the first place through Catholicism’s angle: Inflicting pain on someone else is a sin, inflicting pain on yourself is a sin. The fact that buggery hurts the body any way you do it and any time you do it is what proves my case.
Gay sexual promiscuity has a high risk factor for diseases(as does heterosexual promiscuity), but if the two gay individuals are monogamous, and are tested, there is no risk.
Yes there is. My entire goings on about the sturdiness of the vagina compared to the rectum is based on the high risk of semen getting into the bloodstream. I mean, it’s the MAIN thing. Obviously AIDS and HIV resides in higher importance above all, so I focused on them. Anyway, they’re just the tip of the Ice burg.
A monogamous relationship doesn’t sturdy up the colon, nor does it change the scenario of lacking condoms and careful consideration. They may not get AIDS or HIV, but….
Anal sex can result in a variety of illnesses. I will mention only the more serious. A rare but life-threatening complication of anal sex is rupture of the rectum, resulting in a severe bacterial infection. This can occur with anal sex and with the insertion of various objects into the rectum. Care must be taken to avoid serious injury to the area.
Most of the other illnesses due to anal sex involve infections as well. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. Anal sex with someone who carries HIV poses a high risk for transmission of the virus. Homosexual men in the United States have HIV at a higher rate than heterosexual men, but this is not true outside the Western world. The first people who contracted HIV in the United States probably were homosexual men, and they first transmitted the virus to other homosexual men. Anal sex, mainly because of the trauma that can occur with it, allowed for the efficient transmission of HIV among these men. It was only later that the virus began to spread to women and heterosexual men. Anal sex without a condom between a woman and a man will transmit HIV as efficiently as between two men.
Other viruses can be transmitted through anal sex quite easily. These include hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which cause liver disease. Possibly Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes mono, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) can also be transmitted in this way. Another cause of liver disease is the hepatitis A virus. It is transmitted through contact with the feces of someone with the virus, so anal sex may increase the risk of acquiring that infection.
In addition to these organisms, a variety of infections can be transmitted that predominantly cause infection in the rectum and colon. Some refer to these diseases as "gay-bowel syndrome," but that is a misnomer because any recipient of anal sex (including heterosexual women) can develop such an infection. The syndrome includes diarrhea, fever and lower abdominal pain. Various infections can cause these symptoms, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, lymphogranuloma venereum, shigella (a cause of dysentery) and herpes. An infection such as this would be termed "proctitis," or rectal infection. When I see a patient with signs and symptoms of proctitis, and the patient is a recipient of anal sex, I consider infection to be highly likely.
Let me just reiterate here:
Unprotected homosexual sex is the equivalent to unprotected promiscuous heterosexual sex.
A statement of love? Consummation of a deeply intimate relationship? I'd imagine most gay couples would call that a positive outcome.
Besides, your original statement was that "the physical differences between the sphincter and the vagina is the biggest factor here." You make no mention of the positive outcomes of intercourse, or of the purpose of the activity.
So what you’re saying is; you’d condone a couple who put their lives at risk by hurting each other like those couples I saw in the movie Crash (waste of my fucking time). Or (as I exemplified before) the people who’d commit suicide together just to get the point across that they love one another.
I did explain it. I explained it quite clearly. I use the word "prioritizing" several times in my explanation. If you interpret that as suggesting one should be practiced in exclusion of the others, then I'm afraid the fault is yours, not mine.
Prioritizing would mean to exclude everything else if any situation would for call for the certain circumstances. Priority can’t be labeled on something that is stressed to be practiced from all aspects with equal amount of importance for EVERY situation. After all, even the (considered) smallest of sins CAN eventually lead to damnation.
Perhaps you read what you wanted to read into what I said, simply because I have the audacity to disagree with you.
Ah. Resorting Whomod’s and Jim Jackson’s tactics are we? When one feels the need to get defensive and/or post snarky remarks, it usually means they’re getting desperate.
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Matter-eater Man said:
Pariah said:
The physical differences between the sphincter and the vagina is the biggest factor here. One's WAY more fragile and accident prone than the other. Note that this reasoning is also based on the scenario of having no condoms and the usual uninformed (in the ways and dangers of homosexual intercourse) couples going at it. Another topper is the everpresent fact that anal sex damages no matter how careful you are. Despite what you're definition of damage may be, the fact is that it leaves a lasting unhealthy.....Groove (and worse) so to speak.
I would suggest checking out a hospital & speaking to some women in the maternity ward before checking out the broken anus wing
Are you gonna say that it's rare, and therefore, making it justifiable to take the risk? 
Last edited by Pariah; 2004-03-09 3:22 AM.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Matter-eater Man said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i think if queers wanna butt bang each other thats there own business, but i dont think our goverment should be in the business of sanctioning it, and i do think if you make someones tax dollars such as SS go to pay for benifits to someones butt bang partner you are infringing on their reigious rights, and or personal beliefs....
The problem with that line of reasoning is that we pay taxes too but don't get the same "bang" for our buck. When you or the others speak of "our" government, you forget it's not just your government. A great many of gay people are part of it, many making far bigger contributions to this country than you or I.
i just figured you had read my previous statements if the majority has voted in laws stating that marriage is between man and woman than we should respect that, and a judge shouldnt take it upon himself to impose the will of the minority upon the majority.
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Matter-eater Man said:
I do feel that those other things are important in this discussion. It shows that bad choices or behavior that actually are proven to shorten the life span are not outlawed. This would be comparable to the crack addict saying you shouldn't have that second cheeseburger. I think you need to show some type of study that shows protected anal sex is more dangerous than say being a couple pounds overweight. And if we're going to argue that those issues don't belong in this debate I could point out the same thing with the whole anal sex issue belonging in the gay marriage debate. It doesn't apply to lesbians, and it certainly doesn't to all gay males. Many just stick to oral sex and stuff. So we have some unquantifiable number of those actually doing "it" and some slutty gay you talked too, who felt damaged by it.
And I think it comes down to your not gay, any type of gay male sex probably repulses you and that in turn feeds a bias IMHO
A few things:
I actually found out a while ago from a good source that sodomy could very well be life shortening.
Tk had posted an article in the women's forum that leads me to believe that lesbians are indeed not immune to diseases caused by one of their more usual sexual techniques of oral pleasure. On a smaller note, you use your fingers too much and you risk getting a cut. It's happend to many a porn star.
The habits of smoking or eating too much doesn't involve more than one person. It doesn't involve transitted disease either (second hand smoke has not been proven and because you based this on individual health, it's invalid as argument).
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i just figured you had read my previous statements if the majority has voted in laws stating that marriage is between man and woman than we should respect that, and a judge shouldnt take it upon himself to impose the will of the minority upon the majority.
Our court system isn't run by polls but operates to carrying out the laws. In this case it's an equal rights thing that supersedes quickie made laws supported by fear, ignorance & garbage arguments.
Fair play!
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then why are they giving into the fear and garbage arguments?
they are to enforce the law not make it.....you really need to get your panties out of their wad....
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We interrupt this flame war for a cultural exchange. I was reading Pariah's post about the Ten Commandments, and I finally discovered the difference between the Jewish Ten Commandments and the Christan TC. For a long time, whenever I hear Christians quote the commandments, they use different numbering for the commandments than we do, and I've always been curious how that happened and what they did differently. Now I see how it's different. Example: Quote:
Pariah said: 1) I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods Before me.
In Judaism, these are two separate commandments.
3) Remember thou keep holy the Lords day.
It's not actually called the Sabbath? Interesting.
9) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
For us, this is one single commandment.
Also, in Judaism, although the Ten Commandments are considered to be among the 613 commandments, they're also considered to be categories that the rest of the commandments fall into.
This concludes the cultural exchange. We now return you to your flame war.
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Matter-eater Man said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i just figured you had read my previous statements if the majority has voted in laws stating that marriage is between man and woman than we should respect that, and a judge shouldnt take it upon himself to impose the will of the minority upon the majority.
Our court system isn't run by polls but operates to carrying out the laws. In this case it's an equal rights thing that supersedes quickie made laws supported by fear, ignorance & garbage arguments.
It seems to me that it is the pro-gay marriage arguments that are deeply based in fear, ignorance, & garbage arguments.
And further, a contempt for moral standards, and a secularist-rooted utter denial of the truth. Which is corrosive on the standards of the entire mainstream of our culture.
Gays don't care if it's wrong to write away the rights of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and agnostics who oppose gay marriage.
Gays have had the right to pursue their lifestyle without persecution for at least two decades.
Now, far beyond that, they want to create a warped kangaroo court to rubber-stamp the gay lifestyle and force all who oppose homosexuality to say it's okay, a move toward banning public speech of any beliefs to the contrary.
And laughably if it were not so serious a threat, to punish as a hate-crime those who hold fast to a higher, and more sane, Biblical standard.
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I didn't want to get into what is fast becoming a flame-war of Farkian standards, but let me throw something in here:
One of my technicians is a lesbian. Verizon offers her the ability to put her partner/life-mate/whatever on her insurance. She and I were talking about Massachusett's possible plan to legalize gay marriages in-state. Her opinion? Doesn't want it to happen. Why? Because she doesn't want to get married and neither does her partner/life-mate/whatever. And she's afraid that, if it did pass, Verizon would force her to either get married or drop her (you get the idea) from her insurance.
I'm straight. I can marry my girlfriend if I want and she's willing. I don't think most homosexuals want gay marriages recognized and legalized at the expense of any religion's rights. I think they just want to have the choice and the benefits of making that choice. Same thing with abortion: most pro-choice people want just that - the CHOICE. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that...
I'm done. As you were...
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