"So did you list all those countries to show popular support for removing Sadaaam or did you do do it to debunk the initial article?"

That was one of the points of the article...that Bush decided upon this either exclusively, or with minimal support.

Summary: Why is George Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
reject every positive Iraqi move?

America’s Bush administration has been caught in outright lies, gross
exaggerations and incredible inaccuracies as it trotted out its litany
of paper thin excuses for making war on Iraq. Along with its two
supporters, Britain and Australia,
it has shifted its ground and
reversed its position with a barefaced contempt for its audience.

America’s allies in the invasion, Britain and Australia, are betting
America will win and that they will get some trickle-down benefits for
jumping on to the US bandwagon.

President Bush did promise to protect the American way of life. This is
what he meant.

Why not mention the Congressional vote? Why equate US policy, with the beliefs of the President? Why not mention the other countries, other than Australia, and the United Kingdom?

The author tried to paint a very narrow picture of the participants of the war, and that clearly wasn't the case...more than two other nations thought that this was the right way to go.

That's why I listed the countries, whomod.