I can't imagine any trickle-down effects that would be worth devaluing your own currency!

It just doesn't add up.

I think you're right, it doesn't add up. But the neo-conservative/Bush explainations don't add up either.

I still think one of the biggest, if not the biggest, reason behind this war was to further the United States' economic dominance. But like BSAMS said, it's just guesswork.


Don't forget the December 16th 1998 speach that Bill Clinton gave. I gues Al Gore forgot about that. It was even on TV. Hummmm, does the left have memory loss or do the have selective memory? He talked about everything GW Bush did back in January of 2003.

Why do you guys always bring up Clinton to:

a. Make Bush sound better by comparing the two.
b. Try to knock down the credibility of an arguement.

Left-Right politics go beyond Clinton-Bush politics.