Originally posted by JQ:
I can't imagine any trickle-down effects that would be worth devaluing your own currency!

It just doesn't add up.

I think you're right, it doesn't add up. But the neo-conservative/Bush explainations don't add up either.

I still think one of the biggest, if not the biggest, reason behind this war was to further the United States' economic dominance. But like BSAMS said, it's just guesswork.

In September, Bush released a blueprint for an imperialism, entitled "The National Security Strategy of the United States of America." The Bush doctrine is an update of Manifest Destiny on a global scale-American expansion and domination over world resources. It's a chilling document that portends the use of U.S. military force in every corner of the globe, in essence, waging continuous war.(shades of Orwell)

One section of the National Security Strategy document reads: "Our forces will be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military buildup in hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United States." The war resolution passed by Congress promotes the unprecedented Bush doctrine of preventive war and pre-emptive strikes-as outlined in the Bush blueprint for national security.


