Originally posted by JQ:
Sure JQ...sureeeeeee.

Our national security and a lasting peace in the middle east were the reasons we went to war......not this filth propaganda.......

Sure PJP, sureeeeeee

Here's a couple questions for anyone who cares to respond:

1. What was the war in Iraq all about? National security? WMD & Chemical weapons? Oil? The economy? Just for fun? To stimulate the economy? Liberate the people of Iraq? What?

2. Do you trust President Bush?

National Security and Stability in the Region.......I don't need any other reasons than those.

I trust President Bush 100%. Clinton was a lying piece of filth scum that used polls to make his decisions. Bush is a good and honorable man that is trying to make a difference and keepinf us safe. He isn't afraid to make decisions that may be unpopular with the Neo-Communists (Liberals). He has a backbone and conviction.

If I was President I would be alot tougher on Arabs and Muslims......and truth be told about 50% of this country would agree with me.