Dave the Wonder Boy:

Noam Chomsky is notoriously anti-American, and always writes his articles with a slant on U.S. "imperialism", with no regard for anything the U.S. did right, or anything the U.S. was compelled to do to protect itself and its interests.

That's so far from the the truth. I'll give you the U.S. "imperialist" slant, but the rest isn't true. Chomsky isn't anti-American. He's a critic of the U.S. government policies, but he's still an American. Since when do you have to worship the government to be a patriot? That's where the quote "I love my country, but I fear my Government" comes from. He's just a critic of some of our Government's policies. He also backs up what he says with a lot of facts.

What the U.S. does to "protect itself and it's intrests" is actually exactly what he writes about.

Only biased propaganda could accuse the U.S. of other goals, when the purpose is so clearly Iraq's prosperity, democratization and independence.
That may be true, only people in the U.S. government can confirm or deny that.Just try and keep an open mind.

Although those who are blindly anti-American, like Chomsky, will always spin it that way.
You can spin things both way.