1. What was the war in Iraq all about? National security? WMD & Chemical weapons? Oil? The economy? Just for fun? To stimulate the economy? Liberate the people of Iraq? What?

Here is my interpretation of things:

I understand that the Gulf War's main object was to save Kuwait, and not to dispose of Sadam. However, I think getting rid of Saddam then would have saved more lives -- both Iraqi and American -- in the long run. I am a humanitarian, and that was one reason for going. I'm glad the people in Iraqi will have freedom. And it wasn't the only reason.

I believe Saddam was a threat. There are unaccountable weapons. I've been in labs and have seen biological and chemical threats. They're tiny. Remember in MIB, when Frank the Pug said 'You humans. When are you going to realize that size doesn't matter? Just because something is small, doesn't mean its unimportant.' They can be hidden easily. A few weeks ago we found several Russian MIGS hidden in the Iraqi sand. Those are huge-ass planes, and we only found them when some Iraqis told us. Judging by that, its going to take a loooooooong time to find a few vials.

2. Do you trust President Bush?

Yeah. I disagree with him sometimes, but I don't think he sitting in office, twiddling his thumbs and thinking how he can screw us over. I wish this chaos was over tomorrow, but the fact is this involves thousands of people working in a coordinated fashion. And Bush is only one person. People often forget how important the Congress is.