
Oh god, where to start.

Let's start off with myself.

As you very well know (hopefully), the images I post are somewhat related to the political specrum either directly or as parody. I don't as a matter of habit post females jutting their asses into a camera. That would be .....um...."obscene".


I think Whomod and others really believe these allegations, they aren't trying to deceive anyone, they truly believe the biased rhetoric that the liberal media relentlessly churns out. Again, allegations made to the point that people so often they think it MUST be true, the allegations are made so often.
Try these on for size.

"We know [Iraq] had a great deal to do with terrorism in general and with Al Qaeda in particular and we know a great many of [Osama] bin Laden's key lieutenants are now trying to organize in cooperation with old loyalists from the Saddam regime " - Paul Wofowitz 9/11/03

""Zarqawi is actually the guy I was referring to -[I] should have been more precise," - Paul Wolfowitz - 9/12/03

"simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," - Dick Cheney 8/26/02 before the VFW

"Yeah, I did misspeak,"We never had any evidence that [Hussein] had acquired a nuclear weapon." " - Dick Cheney Sunday on Meet the Press

[WMD's] "they're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat," - Donald Rumsfeld

"I don't know the answer." [in regards to the locations of WMD's] Donald Rumsfeld; May 27, before the Council on Foreign Relations

"'We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.'-Vice President Dick Cheney on 'NBC's Meet the Press', March 16"

"'I don't believe anyone that I know in the administration ever said that Iraq had nuclear weapons.' - Donald Rumsfeld, at a hearing of the Senate's appropriations subcommittee on defense, May 14

"We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon." - Paul Wolfowitz 03/03

Now notice that nowhere has the hand of your eveil biased media come into play. These all are direct quotes from people in this Administration. And thank you for painting me with such a broad brush as to have me say "all Republicans are evil". No, i do not think all Republicans are evil. I do however think this Administration has time and again resorted to flat out lying and then retracting once the initial damage/opinion they wanted put out has set in as conventional wisdom. If you think it traitorous of me to hold these people into account then too fucking bad.

Cheney on Meet the Press, Sunday was tailor made for your consumption. I'd post the L.A. Times Editorial titled Cheney in Wonderland but what's the use, you'll only call it "liberal", never mind that the other 2 editorials alongside it were pro-conservative, 1 against the 9th Circuit Courts stopping of the recall election and one against a bill requiring mandatory health insurance for all buisnesses hiring 200 or more people. Both opinions favoured by REPUBLICANS. Ah, the evils of that "liberal" media. I mean fuck, if anyone actually dares to pick up a pencil, do their damn job and detail all the contradictions of these people, suddenly they're all a bunch of pinko traitors! [yuh huh]

"It is not a coincidence that the two fields most commonly accused of being liberal - journalism and academia - are two fields whose central purpose is the pursuit of truth." - Kenneth Quinnell
I noticed you also tried to paint Democratic opposition as somehow demoralizing to the troops. Where do you get your news? All the interviews I've seen show the troops are demoralized from their daily attacks (up to 17 a day) and their extended tours of duty. Not because the "liberals" are actually daring to question, treasonously i'm sure.
(One guy I saw interviewed when asked on the record "what do you think of George W. Bush?" slyly said, "he's the President of the United States" and nothing more. When soldiers were asked off the record though the Administration was found to be increasingly becoming more unpopular over there as well for the very same reasons that I have problems with the Administration, not because of any demoralization by "liberals". And of course others were also found to be solidly pro-Bush. In other words, a microcosm of the way things are back home).

There's a difference between reasonable dissent on some finer points, and the treasonous demoralizing anti-American vitriol of liberal Democrats.
Figures you'd post a lengthy defense of Ann Coulter. I mean really, the way you talk sounds as if you're on some jihad against the evil of the left or something. If you'd like I can repost the lengthy quotes of our founding fathers and presidents that encourage dissent, regardless of whether there is war declared or otherwise. I'm just shocked you haven't told me to 'love it or leave it' yet.

I wish I could find a posting I had from one guy on the Yahoo message boards that attacked my Ben Franklin quote that I use. He essentially said that Ben Franklin didn't have to deal with plane crashing terrorists and that his opinions are about as useful today as that of the colonial blacksmith. He reminds me of you in a way.