will you please stop with the "liberal" labelling. That's not going to save this liar. As a matter of fact, I have a large cache of saved news pages that I rely upon for refreshment of memory. Including the SOTU speech. Plus I also like to re-use my posts and links for further reference. That is why I post so many. It's for my benefit more than anything.

“Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaeda”
You see, fast easy reference!


The amount of reporters who identify themselves as liberals or democrats is an overwhelming majority. The number of reporters who vote for Democrats are an overwhelming majority.
And that colors the news with an inevitable liberal bias.

This has been made clear in a number of studies.

You didn't happen to stumble upon my quote of the media and academia did you?? Now why on earth is the media rife with "liberals"? Oh, their job is to collect facts. But they don't do that see...what they do is LIE and propagandize against us. All except the good 'fair and balanced' folks on AM radio who fairly blame all of the worlds ills on the liberals and of course Clinton. If the majority of the U.S. journilists (as well as many abroad as far as I ca see) refer to themselves as Democrats or liberals, why do you see 'agendas' and conspiracies and not 'common sense' on their part, especially in light of the fact that their job deals in truth.? *sigh* [no no no]

Man! I forgot my random image!!! [DOH!]


Rumsfeld Sees No Link Between Iraq, 9/11

I've go tto go. I spent too much time already here and at Yahoo News. I have 8 DVD's I just bought that I want to watch. Best Buy 8 DVD's=$40.00. THAT's how you stop piracy! But I digress...