Liberals DO have a tendency to bury any facts that contradict their pet theories of how the world works.

There have been a number of reports I've seen in such mainstream sources as 20/20 and 60 Minutes, and elsewhere, news reports condemning textbooks that present a politically correct (and historically incorrect) view of history.

And the squeezing out of the classics of literature, for a more "culturally diverse" selection of required reading, mapped out by liberals.

Liberals don't seem too wild about a truly broad education, that includes exposure to conservative views. Or facts.

A recent distortion of history of this type that really annoyed me was the push for a politically corrected sculpture to commemorate 9-11. The source photo for the sculpture is of three New York firemen raising a U.S. flag. The liberal call was to change the firemen to one white, one black, and one hispanic.
Once again, distortion of true history.

Another that bugs me is the ongoing attempt to deny the role of Christianity in the forming of American government and institutions.
And attempt to purge Christianity --and representative Christians-- out of our government, schools and courts, in the name of "separation of church and state". A fabricated argument for separation that didn't even exist historically, until secularists manufactured its "historic" existence a few decades ago.

Clearly, our contract government is based on Biblical principles, and our founding fathers throughout their writings encourage the teaching of Biblical values and principles in schools.
And believe the absence of Christian principles was the basis for the fall of every prior attempt to create democracy in human history, which is abundantly evident in the writings of our founding fathers.
The only restriction the founding fathers intended was to prevent one particular denomination of Christianity from being imposed on all citizens, as Roman Catholicism was in Europe, and as the Anglican Church was imposed on all of England, to the exclusion of all others.

I find it amazing that our Christian roots can be denied, and most recently, shut out of an Alabama courthouse.


by Kyle Wingfield, The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Aug. 27) - A moving crew rolled a massive Ten Commandments monument out of the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building on Wednesday to comply with a federal court order, as anguished protesters prayed at the building's steps.
It took about an hour and a-half to lift the 5,280-pound granite marker and roll it from its public site to a private place in the building.
About 100 pro-monument supporters who have been on a weeklong vigil on the building's front plaza were urged to remain calm and not rush the glass doors. Some yelled, but the crowd was restrained.
Two dozen city police were stationed around the perimeter of the building and others patrolled the surrounding block on motorcycles.
A federal judge ruled last year that the monument, which Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore installed two years ago, violates the constitution's ban on government promotion of religion and ordered its removal by Aug. 20. The U.S. Supreme Court last week declined to hear Moore's appeal.
Moore had refused to comply. Eight associate justices voted Aug. 21 to remove the monument, and Moore was suspended the next day on charges of violating canons of judicial ethics.
There was no immediate comment on the removal from Moore. His spokeswoman, Jessica Atteberry, said he was not available but that his legal team would have a statement later.
Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, a group fighting the move, said building manager Graham George told him he would be allowed inside to see the monument later. Mahoney said he didn't know if the monument's new location will be accessible to the public.
The federal court had said the monument could be in a private place in the building but not the highly visible spot in the rotunda directly across from the building's entrance.
People seeking removal of the monument from its public site had said they were grateful that it was finally being moved, a week after the deadline set by a federal judge.
"This is a tremendous victory for the rule of law and respect for religious diversity," the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said before the monument was rolled out of the rotunda. "Perhaps Roy Moore will soon leave the bench and move into the pulpit, which he seems better suited for."
Lynne's organization was among groups suing to remove Moore's monument, which he installed without telling the other eight Supreme Court justices.
Demonstrators promised to keep up their protests of the removal.
"If it takes 75 years to reclaim this land for righteousness, God find us and our children and our children's children ready," said the Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the national clergy council.
An afternoon hearing had been scheduled in federal court in Mobile on a lawsuit seeking to keep the monument in the rotunda, but it was canceled.
The lawsuit, filed on behalf of a Christian radio talk show host and a pastor, had argued that forced removal of the monument would violate the constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion.
Attorney General Bill Pryor, defending the associate justices, had argued that the Mobile court lacked jurisdiction and the complaint lacked merit.
Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said the lawsuit relied on "outlandish legal arguments to defend the justice's blatant promotion of religion."
About 150 monument supporters marched on Pryor's office Tuesday, demanding he resign for supporting the associate justices' decision. Seven representatives were allowed inside to meet with Pryor's chief deputy for about 20 minutes. The rest remained outside, chanting "Resign now! Resign now!"
Mahoney has accused Pryor of political grandstanding to aid his nomination to a federal appeals court. The nomination has been stalled by Senate Democrats who attacked the Republican Pryor for stands against abortion and in favor of states' rights.
Pryor has said it is his duty to uphold a federal court order to remove the monument.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776