Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Arafat is a known backer of terrorist, i dont think we need to support a resolution barring Israel from threatening him to be a proper broker....

Oh, no, that's not true. That's been repeated so many times everyone thinks its true. That's Israeli speculation. There is no solid evidence to link Arafat to Hamas or other extremist attacks.

In fact, his very inability to stop such attacks at opportune times suggests he has no control over them.

One thing this says is that his leadership is weak and largely symbolic, querying why anyone should bother deal with him since he cannot effectively broker a deal which would bind all players. But it also explains why the Palestinian Authority is so incapable of trying to disarm militants as required under the "peace plan". First, no Pal. extremists are listening to them. Second, the Israelis have wrecked their ability to police, with the incursions.

I see no one has mentioned the overwhelming vote in the emergency General Assembly session to try and compel Israel to withdraw its threat against Arafat. Only two votes against: Israel and the US. I think there were 30 odd abstentions, to be fair, but what does that tell you about world opinion on Arafat's symbolic importance?

If Arafat is assassinated, it would be disasterous for Israel. People trying to broker a fair peace in Europe and Russia, and other countries who think both Israelis and Palestinians deserve a homeland, would be marginalised against the Israelis.

Don't forget, for all that the Israelis think of Arafat as being a terrorist and unhelful (the latter of whihc he surely is), Sharon is considered a war criminal by even European countries for his massacres of Arabs in Lebanon as a military commander. For every Hamas suicide attack, which kills civilians, Israeli rocket strikes kill their targets and innocent bystanders. Everyone is as bad as each other in this mess.