Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
i actually liked his speech, there was speculatuion he would have to give France and some of the axis of weasels concessions in his speech and he did none of that. he pointed out clear and simple the Iraqis are no longer under a brutal dictator how anyone could disagree that is good is beyond me....

I don't think anyone ever disagreed with that. It was my reason for supporting the war.

The problem is that it was never the coalition's reason for going to war until no WMDs were found.

Exactly. If I have time to research, i think i'll post a timeline of the ever shifting rationales for war by the Administration this past year. I just wish I didn't have to. Certainly peoples memories are farther reaching than this.

Wolfowitz Shifts Rationales on Iraq War. With Weapons Unfound, Talk of Threat Gives Way to Rhetoric on Hussein, Democracy


Behind the changing rationales for war

This is recent shifts in rationale. My memory goes back a bit further so i'll keep digging. It's unfortunate that the Administration die-hards, as if given their talking points, all shift the rationale right alongside the Administration without missing a beat as if that were their rationale all along as well. I know in message board discussions with neocons, the talk of "kill them all" gave way to "saving the poor Iraqi's" the minute the Administration shifted their rationale.

*sigh* yes yes, I know. "Liberal slander". Heaven forbid that any journalists actually pay attention and keep a journal of events and statements by public officials. We all know these journalists are all a bunch of liberal traitors out to destroy America, anyways. [wink]

Finally I think I need to correct Dave on one small point:

Originally Posted by Dave
The hundreds of thousands of people in cities around the world demostrated against the war not to support the French companies who did illegally did business in Iraq. They did it because they hate war.

The total of anti-war protesters worldwide:
Between six and 10 million people are thought to have marched in up to 60 countries over the weekend - the largest demonstrations of their kind since the Vietnam War.


Global protests against war on Iraq

Thousands of small and large global protests against war in general or war on Iraq were held in 2003, voicing popular opposition to war on Iraq.
On January 18, demonstrations against war in general or the expected war in Iraq in particular took place in villages, towns, and cities around the world, including Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, London, Dublin, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Cologne, Bonn, Gothenburg, Florence, Oslo, Rotterdam, Istanbul and Cairo. NION and ANSWER held anti-war protests in Washington D.C. and San Francisco, California. In San Francisco, between 150,000 and 200,000 people attended the demonstration. The San Francisco police had originally estimated the crowd size at 55,000, but admitted later that they had badly underestimated the number and changed their estimate to 150,000.

February 15 protest attendance
Barcelona 1,300,000
Rome 1,000,000
London =750,000
Madrid =660,000
Berlin =500,000
Sydney 250,000†
Seville =200,000
Damascus 200,000
Montreal 150,000
San Francisco 150,000†
Melbourne 150,000†
Paris 100,000
New York =100,000
Oviedo 100,000
Dublin 100,000
Glasgow 80,000
Oslo 60,000
Brussels 50,000
Bern 40,000
Stockholm 35,000
Copenhagen 25,000
Vancouver 20,000
Helsinki 15,000
Vienna 15,000
Toronto 10,000
Amsterdam 10,000
Austin 10,000
Tokyo 5,000
Cape Town 5,000
Johannesburg 4,000
Quebec City 3,000
Dhaka 2,000
Ottawa 2,000
Kiev 2,000
Chicoutimi 1,500
†: 14th or 16th February
Source: The Globe and Mail and others


People throughout the world have thronged to anti-war demonstrations on February 14-16 [2003]. in numbers that even protest organizers thought unimaginable. Based on conservative estimates, more than 12 million people have taken part in the largest coordinated anti-war demonstration in history.


"Size of protest, it's like deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based upon a focus group" - George W. Bush 02/03 [no no no]

Arrogance. Pure and simple. But hey, it plays to the Sean Hannity/Rush Limbaugh crowd.

Here. i'll give you Bushie's one from the always repugnanat Michael Ramirez, political cartoonist for the L.A. Times. Just to show the liberal bias rampant in American media (and of course in California). [yuh huh] :lol:
