Whomod, as usual your shrill liberal rhetoric does have a thin toehold in fact. But again, it strays far from the facts and jumps to wild conclusions.
Whereas if the Clinton administration had done the same things, you'd be praising their courage and defense of our freedom.

You're welcome to believe whatever you want, unpatriotic as it is. I've spent a considerable portion of this topic laying out my own perspective, obviously falling on deaf ears.

And regarding the Islamic world, I firmly believe it's not a "radical sect" but the whole of Islam itself that is our enemy. As I've pointed out with articles to back it, a majority of Islamic world is hostile to us, and openly praises al Qaida terrorism.
Brutal governments, wars, suicide bombings, poor treatment of women, and other conditions that give pause to foreign investors and internally repress and stall economic growth, are all rooted in Islamic beliefs and culture, that is holding nations of the Islamic world down, and threatening other countries, as their gospel is spread through Islamic fundamentalism and terror (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Chechnya, The Phillipines, Indonesia, etc.)

The more true Muslims are to their beliefs, the more dangerous they are to the rest of the world, and to themselves.
Again, my eternal image of Islam is 9/11/2001. And more so the 90% of the Palestinian population cheering the deaths of 3000 Americans in the West bank and Gaza, rather than the fanatics who flew jets into buildings.
There was a cover story in TIME magazine a few months ago questioning whether Saudi Arabia is our friend or enemy. And discussing the Saudi sect of Islam called Wahabism, and how spread of wahabism through missionaries has brought terrorism to every corner of the Muslim world and beyond, including al Qaida, Chechnya and the Phillipines.

But please go on, chant your anti-conservative feel-good rhetoric, that muslims are all essentially good except for a few fanatics (but then, of course, we know America really deserved it and their murderous actions can be rationalized by past U.S. Middle East policy, right? )
And the true evil is republicans, right?. Play on, maestro.

And again, if the rhetoric you spew had been allowed in the 1940's, we would have lost World War II:
Hey, Hitler isn't a real threat, we should spend that money at home. It costs too much!
If your kind were around then, we'd be having this conversation now in German. If we were deemed racially pure enough to be allowed to live.