Quick then, let's round up all the Muslim's in America lest they turn on us first!!!!!!

[wink] :lol: [yuh huh] [whaaaa!]

n : an irrational fear of foreigners or strangers

What i find amazing in all your attacks on my viewpoints and in all your EXTREME ones is that most people here side with you. I guess 9/11 really did scare the beejezzus out of everyone to where cr@p like that above gets credence but the pattern of lies and half-truths by the Administration gets pass after pass because "it's all about the ends, stupid". And notice that I haven't gone on record of blaming ALL conservatives or Republicans for anything here. My criticisms have stayed pretty much with members of the Bush Administration, specifically the "neocons" and their supporters in the mass media whereas yours have gone all over the place from "liberals" to democrats to Clinton, who I suppose are all one and the same to your Coulter/Hannity fed ears.

"this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take awhile." - George W. Bush

And the true evil is republicans, right?. Play on, maestro.
Ah, if only we had the fiscal responsibilty and respect for the rule of law of a true Republican. But much like Wahabbism, a small extreme sect has pretty much tainted all Republicans. Like true Islam, I'm waiting for the moderate majority to reassert themselves.