Originally posted by whomod:
After reading that one quote above at Yahoo Politics I woke up today remebering something Rob posted and hopefully he'll come by and perhaps continue in conversation about it. I recall that you mentioned that it was personally frustrating for you that no WMD's have been found yet. Why is that so? Because you want there to be irrefutable proof that the administration isn't lying or because you are starting to doubt them and you want your faith restored? Or perhaps some other reason. I dunno, perhaps I want to beleive that people can be swayed by developing news and revelations and that we all aern't partisan warriors on opposing sides, immovable as stone.

i'm frustrated over the lack of wmd discovery thus far for a face-value reason: there's been a lack of wmd discovery thus far.

i, personally, don't think there was a big conspiracy where the US and several other global powers lied about iraq to get their oil and such. i'm not looking to be personally vindicated. i think there are stashes of wmds out there.

yes, there are thousands of articles and reporters claiming there was a coverup. there are also thousands of articles and reporters claiming there wasn't.

there were thousands of protestors before and during the war. there were also thousands of supporters.

each side of this has their own "backup," and you can't rightfully dismiss or accept one without acknowledging and accreditting the other.

taking it back to the personal level... yes, i state my opinions on this without any underlying tone or meaning. i feel that there are a great deal of wmds in iraq (are chemical/biological weapons technically the same?). the UN searched for roughly 15 years and found none -- and that was during a time where iraq literally had public factories. so, yeah, i believe they're there. im simply frustrated we have yet to find the wmds.

in a similar fashion, i'm simply frustrated we have yet to find osama or saddam -- and no one is denying their existance, or proclaiming bush made them up.

its a weird sorta parallel, in an "earth 2" package;

before the war, anti-war/US individuals were demanding that the (UN) inspectors be given more time -- globally everyone (even anti-warrers) "knew" that iraq had the wmd, they just wanted to give the "peaceful" searches a longer duration to stir them up and get rid of them. pro-war/US individuals were saying time was up -- invade iraq now. if we all "knew" they had the wmds, why wait for a chance that they'll be discovered (either through inspection or explosion).

now, after the invasion, its the pro-war/US people asking for more time and the anti-war/US people saying that time was up.

"patience" switched teams.