Rob. Pro War/Us. Anti war/US?

Are you suggesting that people who were against this war ane anti american?

Just asking.

I think Richard
Gephardt was the most sensible voice so far this week on the question of WMD's.

Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.), a candidate for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he also continues to believe that Iraq had, or was capable of quickly producing, weapons of mass destruction.

"I didn't just take the president's word for this," he said. "I went out to the CIA three times. I talked to top people. I talked to people that had been in the Clinton administration And I became convinced, from that, all of that, that [Hussein] either had weapons of mass destruction or he had components of weapons or he had the ability to quickly make a lot of them and pass them to terrorists." (whomod: Most of that sounds as if they really didn't know what exactly he had if anything at all. Just a lot of speculation. I take it that the final bit about terrorists is all speculatory on his part too. Still, he is being incredibly generous in his support of the Administration position.)

But Gephardt called for an investigation examining whether the intelligence data on Iraq were misleading or wrong.

"The American people have to understand and believe that the information they're getting from their government is credible," he said.

"And if there was a failure of intelligence, we've got to have more than just the intelligence committees look at it. We've got to have a blue-ribbon commission. We've got to get to the bottom of it."

Give a little, take a little. The nature of politics itself.

"I am in earnest - I will not equivocate - I will not excuse - I will not retreat a single inch - and I will be heard!" - William Lloyd Garrison
As far as the whole CIA/Wilson scandal, I've been combing the news sites all day to find verification of what I heard on Sean Hannity's show yesterday afternoon. Novak now says that it was Wilson himself who told him his wife was in the CIA and not the White House (according to Hannity). [yuh huh] Of course if Hannity say's it's true then it must be so! The spin was laughably pathetic but the remarkable thing was that you had the usual yokely sounding nitwits calling up agreeing and blaming the whole thing on the "liberals" and Hannity repeating over and over "SO WHAT?? WHERE'S THE SCANDAL?? WHO CARES!". Sad. Who cares? Well... George H.W. Bush for one. He called those who leak the names of undercover operatives 'the most insidious of traitors'.