re: the "Tim Predmore" story...

i can't tell if thats ballsy or stupid.

i mean, i dont like my boss or the things my company does too much... but i'm not about to publish that information in a newspaper! all that would accomplish is to:

1) annoy my co-workers who disagree with me.
2) surely infuriate my superiors.
3) make my life hell. or at least an unemployed variation.

but, in the case with this war, as said above, this is just one guy. and, while it does show that, sure, not everyone over there is thrilled about being over there... what it doesn't show are the others that do want to be there (for more of a "must-worship-dubya" reason)

so, we have a few articles. mine and jq's.

mine shows how some things are bad and how some things are good. a (seemingly) honest perspective. jq's show bad things without highlighting any of the good -- even for a devil's advocate view point (i'm not targeting the posters, just the articles).

to me, thats an unfair perspective -- and how i see a lot of the iraq/bush journalism today.

again, i don't mind the concept of "exposing the bad." not only is that important, its necessary. however, i'm hoping to not receive an exposed view, but rather, an exposed truth; facts. and, if you're going to print the facts that make things look bad, i want equal "air time" for the facts that make things look good.