I agree that he did veer towards the condesceding when he used the unfortunate phrase "waving their little flags". I could argue that he was actually being literal but.... :lol: who are we kidding! He was being a bit of an ass.

Still, I think an argument could be made that dissent against Bush and his policies is being viewed as treasonous, you only need to look at a few choice posts and listen to a few commentators and authors to get that impression.

I mean can you even recall during any of the myraid "gates" or even the Balkan wars and "nation building" of the Clinton Administration, anyone on the left accusing the Republican party of treason or Un-Americanism?

I beleive that one should be free to criticize or differ in opinion. I however don't beleive that anyone should be punished for it. Somehow though, 'actions having consequences' got twisted around to mean that if you speak your mind, I have the freedom to make you pay for those words by organizing to hurt you economically and questioning your love for country.

That is not the same thing as simply agreeing to disagree.