one word:

MOTHER*UCK#RS!! [no no no]

NPR October 2, 2003 (Morning Edition with Bob Edwards)

"Poll Supports Independent Probe of CIA Leak"

Bob Edwards: Attorney General Ashcroft is resisting the idea of some sort of independent counsel. Do you think he'll be able to maintain that position?

NPR legal correspondent, Nina Totenberg: Well no administration ever wants an independent overseer, and there are very good career people who are in charge of this investigation, but it could get hairy. Yesterday I talked to a former justice department official who wondered to me why the White House had asked the Justice Department if they could wait a day, earlier this week, before directing the White House staff to preserve all phone and email records, and why, similarly, the Justice Department had agreed to let the White House wait that day. In the last analysis career people can't make some of the decisions that will have to be made, like whether to call a reporter before a grand jury. The Attorney General under Justice (Department) regulations is required to make that decision. A career person can't make it. And if a leaker is identified and not prosecuted it could raise problems with the CIA. Will the agency believe that a decision not to prosecute was made fairly, or will it, as one former Justice Department
official put it to me, open a chasm of distrust between the two agencies. As I said no administration likes to open itself up to outside investigators. And the temperature isn't that hot yet, despite that poll you cited at the beginning, but it could get that hot, and we just can't know right now whether the temperature will get that hot for a long time and make it impossible to continue the course that the administration now has chosen
to take.




The Associated Press is reporting that the Justice Department has opened a full investigation into the White House's alleged leak of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.

The [Justice] department notified the counsel's office about 8:30 p.m. Monday that it was launching an investigation but said the White House could wait until the next morning to notify staff and direct them to preserve relevant material, McClellan said.

Since when does the Justice Department give people a several-hours head start to destroy evidence before an investigation begins?

Clearly, it's time for Ashcroft to appoint an independent, special counsel to conduct this investigation. Democratic Senators Tom Daschle (D-SD), Carl Levin (D-MI), Joe Biden (D-DE), and John Rockefeller (D-WV) wrote a letter to John Ashcroft demanding that he appoint a special counsel:

However, we do not believe that this investigation of senior Bush Administration officials, possibly including high-level White House staff, can be conducted by the Justice Department because of the obvious and inherent conflicts of interests involved. Therefore, we strongly urge the immediate appointment of a special counsel to investigate this matter. Although a special counsel is appointed by the Attorney General, it is the best possible means of avoiding serious conflicts of interest.

The news leak that exposed her identity also exposed the name of the CIA front company she used as a cover.

The company's identity appears in Federal Election Commission (news - web sites) records because the CIA operative, using her married name Valerie E. Wilson, contributed $1,000 to Al Gore (news - web sites)'s presidential primary campaign in 1999. Her husband contributed to both the Bush and Gore presidential campaigns.

The company that appears in FEC records, Brewster-Jennings & Associates, had been a CIA front for Plame, according to The Washington Post. That account was confirmed Saturday, only on condition of anonymity, by an official who recently left the government.

White House Calm Facing CIA Probe Deadline

I guess you can afford to be calm when you know nothing incriminating will now be found thanks to the heads-up in advance of a DOJ request to save pertinent documents.

I eagerly await the spin that paints all of this as innocent and blames it all on the "liberals".

Originally posted by Rob Khamphausen

as far as my experience in public school, school was a time for learning (*cough*), not personal statements.

Speak for yourself! High School was ALL ABOUT making personal statements for me. Which is probably why i'm writing here on your message board as opposed to the Los Angeles Times. :lol: [DOH!]