I've concluded that the only recourse now is to just punch a conservative every time they say the word "liberal", "traitor" or "anti-American" to try to intimidate you into silence. You intimidate me, i'll intimidate you. You wanna know how you do it? Here's how. They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the mourge! That's the Chicago way!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\.... em.

If that fails, whack 'em on the head with a rolled up copy of the Constitution.

Back to the chain letter published in OpEd pages of major newspapers:

Bob Bolerjack, editorial page editor at the Herald in Everett, Wash., said his paper had been "duped."

"I won't second-guess a layman, but someone inside our business would understand that you don't do that, that it isn't right," he said, adding that the paper "wants to present the thoughts of folks that are expressed in their own words, not the words of others."

Army Concerned About Suicides of U.S. Troops in Iraq

C'mon! Spin it Condi, spin it!  -

and as far as overall death counts. Are we still dividing them between during the war and "post-hostilities"?? Does the number look that much more palatable when you subdivide?

here's a death count that only goes as far as the 13th so it's not yet up to date:


At least be honest about the death rate. What? after we reach 100 "post-hostilities deaths" are we going to subdivide starting with when Turkey arrives to lend us a hand? Or will Bush land on another aircraft carrier to restart the body count?

Henry Waxman has been trying to get Halliburton's sweetheart deal, and disgusting overcharges investiagted for the last five months.

Stymied at every turn by those ever-patriotic Republicans.

  • Add it to the 9/11 report.
  • Cheney's energy papers.
  • The censored EPA report on the health hazards of 9/11.
  • Independant hearings on the allegations and intelligence Bush used to justify the war to begin with.
  • Rumsfeld's illegal attempts to keep his nonworking $12 billion dollar "missle defense shield" from Congressional oversight.
  • The leak probe given over to Roves former employer.

Ete etc etc.

Bush Inc has simply applied the "dont ask, dont tell" rule to everything they've done.

And if you DO ask, the Republicans will make sure you never get an answer.