In answer to Whomod's wrongheaded notion that he's the "true" patriot here...



weekly commentary, by Hal Lindsey

The Red Cross has broken with tradition, and has publicly demanded the Guantanamo Bay detainees either be charged or released.

Last week, Christophe Girod, top Red Cross official in the United States, said the detention of enemy combatants from Afghanistan is "a major problem."

He complained about "the open-endedness of the situation and its impact on ‘the mental health’ of the [al Qaida inmate] population.”

Amazingly, the ‘Useful Idiots’ out there are crawling out of the woodwork again to agree.

Now, I want to clarify, I don't call them Useful Idiots, the Islamic fundamentalists call them Useful Idiots. Because whatever propaganda they're pushing at the moment, these people jump on the bandwagon to promote it, and actually help the enemy's cause.
So we don't look at them as Useful Idiots. We look at them as Useless Idiots.

First, let's look at the the mental health problem charge.
These combatants [the al Qaida prisoners] took on the army of the United States of America. Any mental health problems they have now are secondary.

If they could, they would still be turning hijacked airplanes into cruise missiles.
Second, the fact these terrorists are detained may be the reason the Red Cross hasn’t had to respond to another terror attack against American civilians.

On September 4, the Department of Homeland Security issued a quiet warning to the nation’s law enforcement agencies of a probable new al-Qaeda attack in the works. Thanks in large measure to intelligence obtained from the Guantanamo Bay Camp X-Ray detainees, it has not happened.

In a recent AP interview, Homeland Security official William Parrish cited information obtained from detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

He said, "We have received a lot of good information from these detainees over the past several weeks and corroborated the fact there were active plans, ongoing, to conduct another attack in the United States.” After the 9/11 attacks there was a great hue and cry: “Why didn’t we prevent it?”

If we HAD prevented it, we wouldn’t know that we did. How many 9/11 type events HAVE been prevented?
Nobody knows.
That’s how successes in this unique new war are defined.

War is a terrible thing, but we didn’t start this one. It is one that is gains power as it feeds upon itself, like a forest fire.

The Muslim Fundamentalist Imams are stoking the flames into a roaring inferno of hate toward the Christian culture of the West. They have made this into a “holy Jihad against the Judeo-Christian culture.

The detainees are combatants in this war.

This war is not over—it has just begun. And thanks to the fact that neither the useful idiot squads nor the Red Cross are in charge of the detainees, we’re still winning.

Misguided sympathy is wasted on the Devil, in my opinion. It’s clearly a case of their “mental health” or our survival.


There are a lot of people arguing that the recent David Kaye report [on what the U.S. military found, post-invasion in Iraq, regarding Saddam's WMD programs] proves the Bush administration went to war with Saddam under false pretexts.

To listen to the liberal mainstream, the Iraq war was an utter disaster. Before it began, they predicted it would result in chaos. It's hard to imagine how anyone can think himself a patriot, because he criticizes his country in the international arena.
But that is exactly how the Useful Idiots see themselves.
If they can only prove that the United States government is corrupt and untrustworthy, then they could bring in their guys to fix it all.
It doesn't matter what damage is done to U.S. credibility abroad.
And apparently it doesn't matter that it was their guys who got us into this mess in the first place.

To them, a patriot is one who speaks out against his country, even when it is unpopular to do so. To them, that is the hallmark of patriotism. If it offends the administration and the military, then it is synonymous with patriotism.
When the war turned into a big success, the Useful Idiots pronounced the occupation to be the new disaster.
Now many Americans believe that the Iraqis hate the occupation, and that the Bush administration dropped the ball on winning the peace. That's what the American public hears from the mainstream press.

This week, the administration went on the offensive. Pointing out that the only thing David Kaye didn't find was physical weapons of mass destruction.

The Kaye inspection team found reams of documentation of Saddam's ongoing WMD programs.

They found deadly biological weapons stored in private home refrigerators.

The investigative team also found hundreds of examples proving that Iraq was in material breach of U.N. sanctions.

Had those had been found [before the war] by chief U.N. inspector Hans Clouseau Blix, the U.N. standard for invading Iraq would have been met in the first place.

Now the Useful Idiots who were so helpful to Saddam Hussein's propaganda effort before the war have begun to emerge from the woodwork.
To listen to them, Saddam was misunderstood. They ask: Why did we go there? Where is the smoking gun?
What they fail to understand is exactly what they are demanding when they insist on having a smoking gun.

[i]The World Trade Center
was a smoking gun.

You see, the problem is, guns don't smoke until AFTER they are fired.

The Bush administration took flack for not preventing the last smoking gun from being fired [9/11/2001].
Now the Useful Idiots are criticizing the Bush Administration for NOT WAITING for the next gun to be fired.
Does anyone recognize the inconsistency here?

The administration knew that the war in Iraq would attract al Qaida like a magnet. Detractors of the war lamented of the dangers that would pose, should that occur. Many are today crowing, about how right they were. They're screaming, from Paris to Berlin to the headquarters of the Democratic Party.

Whether or not weapons of mass destruction are found in Iraq is irrelevant. There were ample grounds to remove Saddam, apart from WMD. Nobody misses him, except his business partners in Paris, Berlin and Moscow.

The average Iraqi is overjoyed at Saddam's removal. And U.S. forces remaining in Iraq are drawing terrorists to Iraq like a magnet. They take an honest look at the evidence and apply a little common sense.

Today, trained, professional and well-equipped warriors in the field are absorbing attacks against our interests.

Unarmed, untrained and unprepared civilians in the homeland are NOT absorbing them.

The cost to the administration, in political terms, has been enormous.

The White House warned the nation in the days following 9/11 that the war would be costly, long, and often conducted in secret. The policy of the Bush administration, we were told, was to fight the war with al Qaida outside our borders.
The partisans who smell blood in the water ignore the fact that the promise is being kept.

Never mind that all this carping is hurting our national security. And all of this, despite the fact that we're fighting the very war that Bush promised we would fight against al Qaida.

We should thank God that we're NOT fighting in the homeland.

President Bush killed two birds with one stone. First he removed Saddam. Then he lured al Qaida into a trap. The war with al Qaida is being fought outside the homeland, as promised.

The Useful Idiots here at home are demanding that the Bush administration pull out our forces and bring them home. That wouldn't end the battle. The enemy would still be out there -- AT BEST.

It would only shift the battle right back where it began: In the American homeland.
