the actual poll

The poll data

Feh! All it tells me is that the liberal media has already started underming morale in Iraq. And isn't the Stars and Stripes a NEWSPAPER? We all know the print media is biased and liberal and not to be trusted. The only time they're right is when they just shut up and read the damned White House and Pentagon Press releases like they're supposed to! Thank god for FOX News then, eh? If it were up to me, that kind of treasonous liberal propaganda would be grounds for detention in Guantanamo Bay! How many times does the Administration have to explain that we didn't go into Iraq on account of WMD's. We went in there after Sadaam wouldn't let the inspectors in! ... um I mean, we went in there after him defying the U.N's resolutions for 12 years! We went in there because he gasses his own people! The liberals would have him there still inflicting torture like he did the past 20 some odd years when he was our ally. It has nothing to do with stories of imminent "mushroom clouds over American cities" or 9/11 or the State of the Union adress or any of that conspiracy-ish "New American Century"!!!

The other evidence listed in the speech is overwhelming for Saddam's guilt, with or without those 16 words.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".

You said it!! it was much more than about those 16 insignificant words.

This statement was more than enough for me!

and it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al-Qaida.
Those damn liberals are just a bunch of "Bush hating" terrorist loving traitors who don't know what they're talking about! [biiiig grin]

claiming Iraq was consorting with Al-Qaeda (refuted by the CIA),

saying Iraq was acquiring aluminum tubes to make nuclear bombs (refuted by scientists and UN inspectors)

producing satellite photos of alleged chemical-weapons sites (that on-the-spot investigations proved to have no chemical weapons)

citing mobile chemical-weapons labs (that turned out to have no chemical weapons)

giving worthless leads to UN weapons inspectors

claiming that Iraq was seeking enriched uranium (citing documents that turned out to be crude forgeries)

and finally but hardly least of all

referring to a British dossier as evidence (a dossier that turned out to have been plagiarized from a 12-year-old thesis written by a college student)

Honestly, I don't know what those damned liberals always go on and on and on about Bush lying. I just don't see it. They must really hate Bush I guess.

The Republican National Committee was also hard at work trying to stop those treasonous "liberals" from running some ads from the DNC that tried to embarass Bush by gross extreme misreprentation. Remember, if you're not with us, you're against us!

Here's the letter its lawyer sent to TV

Dear Station Manager:

It has come to our attention that your station will begin airing
false and misleading advertisements on July 21, 2003, paid for by the
Democratic National Committee. The advertisement in question
misrepresents President George W. Bush's January 28, 2003, State of
the Union address. The advertisement states that President Bush
said, "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of
uranium from Africa." In fact, President Bush said, "The British
government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
significant quantities of uranium from Africa." By selectively
quoting President Bush, the advertisement is deliberately false and
misleading. Furthermore, the British government continues to stand by
its intelligence and asserts that it believes the intelligence is

The Democratic National Committee certainly has a legitimate First
Amendment right to participate in political debate, but it has no
right to willfully spread false information in a deliberate attempt
to mislead the American people. These advertisements will not be run
by legally qualified candidates; therefore, your station is under no
legal obligation to air them. On the contrary, as an FCC licensee you
have the responsibility to exercise independent editorial judgment to
not only oversee and protect the American marketplace of ideas,
essential for the health of our democracy, but also to avoid
deliberate misrepresentations of the facts. Such obligations must be
taken seriously.

This letter puts you on notice that the information contained in the
above-cited advertisement is false and misleading; therefore, you are
obligated to refrain from airing this advertisement.


Caroline C. Hunter

(the treasonous ad: )

"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush

if there was any problem with his speech it was that he wimped out in the end by saying this

We Americans have faith in ourselves, but not in ourselves alone. We do not claim to know all the ways of Providence
Of course we do! We don't need no steenking U.N.! We're the U.S. We've got nukes and a Texan in the White House! [biiiig grin] Frankly, i'm sick to death of all these liberals running around undermining our country. We need more real patriots like Britney Spears who love their country and their President.

SPEARS: Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.
You said it! What an all American girl! [humina humina]