The allegations of lies are, once again, selective interpretations of the facts, slanted to conform to your point of view, as I've previously deconstructed here, and in previous Bush/WMD/Iraq discussions here.
For example, your allegation that the Bush administration fabricated the link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaida. I've read (and posted previously) an article from a January issue of the New York Times that al Qaida were definitely in Iraq, contracted by Hussein to fight Kurds in the North. And there is considerable other evidence of other connections between Hussein and al Qaida. It is also still possible that Saddam Hussein had a connection to 9/11 terrorism, although there is not absolute proof of that at this time.

And of the other "lies" allegations, many other occurrences where Bush or Rumsfeld or Powell announced we had captured WMD's, when we captured mobile weapons labs, that were later found to have been cleaned out before they were discovered by U.S. forces. So it wasn't "lies" it was just their public comment based on the best available evidence at the time.

What genuinely pisses me off is how gleefully eager you are to prove our own government wrong, and how eager you are to sneer contemptuously at every turn at every appearance of mis-step or corruption in the Bush administration.

I, too want to know at any time if my government (Democrat or Republican) has acted unjustly, and would accept the proof of that with anger and sadness.
In contrast to that, your absolute glee at urinating on the integrity of the Bush administration really rubs me the wrong way.

My problem isn't that you disagree with the Bush administration and that you might choose to respectfully disagree, and politely point out an alternative perspective.

My problem is that you repeatedly call everyone in the Bush administration a bunch of liars, based on what was --and remains-- specious, and partisan, evidence.
And that you have been prejudiced against the Republicans since before they took office, and clearly have an axe to grind. And you have posted inflammatory rhetoric toward conservatives and republicans continuously, here on Rob's boards, and on the DC boards as well, for at least two years that I've observed.

Which you continue to do in the most obnoxious way possible, with snotty sarcasm, biased propaganda, and inflammatory click-and-dragged rhetoric, and dishonest click-and-dragged inflammatory images.

Once again, you begin with the venomous presumption that George W. Bush and his administration are guilty of something, and then eagerly jump on every last unconfirmed allegation as evidence of that. You don't begin with evidence, you BEGIN with a presumption of guilt.

Again, I might be more inclined to believe some of these allegations, if these same relentless slander tactics hadn't rained down equally relentlessly on every other Republican administration, and republicans in general, for the last 20 years.

I might also be more inclined to believe the ongoing allegations, if there were some solid evidence to support the allegations.

But all I see are allegations, and your foaming-at-the-mouth venom.