Yes, I was disappointed with Kerrey in the recent past as well. I considered him to be one of the few Democrat presidential candidates who could be strong on defense, his having a strong military background.

He actually voted against the 87 billion military/reconstruction bill this week. It's one thing to push for positive change, and quite another to vote against our military, and financial ability to complete the mission.

Lieberman, who I was initially opposed to because of his previous association with Gore, is critical but supportive of our military action.

Clark, who I haven't thoroughly read about yet, also has good military credentials. As I'm sure you know but others might not, he is the former NATO commander of U.S. forces in Europe. Clark has been interviewed 2 or 3 times a year on the PBS News Hour, and those previous interviews are available on the PBS News Hour website.

You might want to re-read my above post, I edited it for clarity, and added quite a bit that I felt was previously unclear.