I just posted an article saying Clinton cut off cash to the Taliban regime.

Bush Gives Taliban $10 Million To Fight Opium

Now given the fact that Clinton did this, do you think it was then prudent for the following administration to give them 43 million?

Given the fact that Osama basically ran the country, do you think perhaps some of that cash may have been used to fund the 9/11 plot?

I have to go back to that Time article where evidence is given that the Bush Administrations palatable disdain for anything Clinton contributed to their total dismissal of anything they had to say, including the threat of Al Queda. So serious was Berger about Al Queda that he insisted on a briefing on them to Condaleeza Rice which was pretty much ignored.

Or to put it another way. The WTC was bombed (the 1st time) with Clinton being in office only 18 days (I beleive). Did anyone blame Bush Ist? No. Have AM radio shills blamed Clinton for then doing nothing?? Yes. Have they also blamed Clinton for the WTC tragedy? yes. As often as they can.

Incidentally, those responsible for that 1st deed are in fact behind bars as we speak.