Man, you two don't get it, do you?

It's not about suppporting dictators or appeasing the enemy or anything. It's about the perception of the common Arab in the street and the safety of our troops!

You think siphoning Iraqi oil to Isreal is going to sit well in the Arab street, dictatorial, theocratic or otherwise??

Don't you think that by giving their oil to Isreal, the average Arab is going to be further inclined to listen to radicals like Osama Bin Laden and wage jihad against us over there???

Hey, we've just radicalized thousands more moderate Arabs, I guess we'll be needing more troop divisions now.

Again, i think you just don't give a fuck. 100, 200 body bags, who cares. All that matters is the neocon agenda suceed no matter the price in american (or Arab) lives. Kill em all and let God sort em out, eh?

It's just bad judgment.

I just can't stop thinking about the United Fruit Company for some reason....

