Iraq Bids Ban Reopens Diplomatic Rift

Oh boy, Bush fails again at diplomacy.

So I guess that means we'll be stuck with the cost of rebuilding Iraq as well as it's huge debt. Nice one Georgie.

Bush just shot himself in the ass.


well, the story reads;

"Critics said a U.S. decision to bar opponents of the war in Iraq from reconstruction contracts could complicate American efforts to restructure Iraq's estimated $125 billion debt.."

well, the countries that have historically been DOING THE WORK IN IRAQ FOR THE PAST 4 DECADES has BEEN Russia, Germany, and France. The united states is the new kid on the block.

so, if bush and his cabinet/cronies want to exclude the real workers, then bush and cheney will AGAIN give illegal contracts to Halliburton who will charge us 500 to 1,000 PERCENT over cost!

there you go.

once again, the american taxpayers get screwed.

thank you bush!

thank you cheney!

it's good to know that our president and vice president really care about the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES!


But then that's probably the idea. If halliburton/Betchel/Carlyle makes out like bandits, well then so do most of the neocon cabal. We get the bill, they get the profits! Genius. And anyone who thinks otherwise is an UnAmerican traitor!


This just proves once again that the US regards Iraq as conquered territory, as a prize that is theirs to distribute. Shouldn't the Iraqis decide which companies they want to rebuild their country?

Pretty naive of France and Germany though to point to WTO rules. Do they really expect a country that is ignoring basic human rights (Guantanamo) and international law to follow trade laws? Even Nobel Peace prize winners are now condemning US actions in the "war on terror"!

And stop with that "Europeans hug dictators" crap. The Republicans installed Pinochet in Chili over a democratically elected government. In the seventies, the US helped the military junta of Greece to break up student demonstrations asking for democracy. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait, the list of dictators supported or installed by the US goes on and on. Even Saddam was on the payroll of the CIA while he was gassing the Kurds in the eighties. Guatemala/United Fruit Co. How's that for "dictator hugging"?

Speaking of gassing Kurds in the 80's, he then slaughtered them and buried them by the thousands after Bush Sr. told them to rise up and then failed to support them. Hows that for mass graves.

The neocon right only cares about human rights and democracy when it serves their purposes. When human rights and democracy get in the way of US/corporate/military-industrial interests, they are thrown out the window like a used Kleenex!

corporate mercenaries


Bush is an idiot.

Bush Seeks Help of Allies Barred From Iraq Deals

WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 — President Bush found himself in the awkward position on Wednesday of calling the leaders of France, Germany and Russia to ask them to forgive Iraq's debts, just a day after the Pentagon excluded those countries and others from $18 billion in American-financed Iraqi reconstruction projects.

As you can see, the neocons running things amounts to amateur hour with the American taxpaer paying as Cheney/Halliburton and the Bushes/Carlyle group get rich.