A Typical NeoCon Day

10AM: Log onto an internet message board, make fun of soldiers who want to come home, calling them gay from the comfort of the computer in mom’s basement.

12:30PM: On the way to Dairy Queen for the hourly sundae, pass by the Veterans hospital, and not even give it a passing glance.

1:28: Steal the change out of the cup of a legless sleeping vet

2:35: Call in to the local fat and lonely radio conservative’s show and give the thumbs up to the president for the phenomenal job of cutting veterans benefits…while the “support our troops” sticker flakes off the back of the old 87 Dodge.

3:15: Mom brings down lunch. Down it with a milkshake and some oxy.

5:38: Tune into the Fox News channel for some fair and balanced reporting. Word has it 3 troops died in a roadside bombing in Fallujah, 7 injured. Being a patriotic news station, they aren’t showing the death and destruction and being all negative like those Commies over at the BBC.

6:40: Check out WorldNetDaily.com to read up on the plot between Yassir Arafat , Kim Il Jong and Princess Iranian Bomblady III, who are building a giant arab robot that can transform into a city and destroy all freedom loving countries within 45 minutes.

8:15: Mom calls out for dinner.

9:30: Reads about soldiers being disciplined for daring to criticize the great great war, and not having enough bullet proof vests to go around, and having their mail censored, and the constant stomach flu, and all other kinds of gay complaints only a liberal queer could make.

10:30: Fall asleep jerking off to fake Ann Coulter photoshop porn jobs.

Thank you, Neo Conservatives. Thank you for protecting our freedom and keeping us free from those who hate freedom. No, really, thanks! You guys are so tough.