Originally posted by Jim Jackson:

"Again, there ARE Muslims who aren't violent, but I'd say the prevalence of suicide bombings, wife beating, honor killing, etc., the high ratio that these things occur in Islamic culture, shows that the enemy is Islam itself."


You know, Dave, the Bible says a whole lotta shit in it too, about owning slaves, stoning people, cutting out your eye if it spites you...

Please, do us all a favor. You think Islam's the enemy? Go over and fight it. That way, with any luck, we'll get you out of the gene pool so humanity can move forward.

Merry Christmas.


That's about the level of ignorance I'd expect from you, Jim.
Your facts are wrong, and your insults are just unnecessary.

The Bible does NOT endorse slavery. There is a verse from Genesis, regarding the sons of Noah, that was misinterpreted for centuries by those who wanted to rationalize slavery. (Genesis 9: verses 20-27)

Because of the demonstrated virtue of Noah's sons Japheth and Shem, they were to be greatly blessed, with large numbers of descendants, who would establish great kingdoms.
As opposed to their less virtuous brother Ham (father of Canaan), whose actions cursed him and his descendants (who would follow in his pattern of immorality) to be less successful.

And prophetically, the kingdom of Canaan's descendants would eventually be conquered by the kingdoms of his brothers (the land of Canaan, that was conquered and became the land of Israel). That is the ultimate meaning of "cursed, the lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers".

The Bible in the New Testament describes being a "slave to one's desires". Similarly, Canaan is not enslaved by others, but by his own actions.

Because of the level of evil in the land of Canaan, when the Israelites conquered it around 1100-1000 B.C., the Israelites were ordered by God to leave no artifact of Canaan culture remaining to corrupt future generations of men.
The Canaanites were involved in the occult, drinking of blood, and other practices described in the Bible as exceptionally evil.

The verse about carving out your own eye (Matthew 5:29) is a self-explanatory verse about self-control, obvious to anyone who reads it.

Jews and Arabs are both Semites, descended from Noah's son Shem.