Originally Posted by Dave the Wonder Boy
Regarding oil out of Iraq, and Iraq having the second largest reserve in the world, as I said, we're getting cheap oil from many other sources. We don't NEED Iraq. It's also speculated there might be far larger unsurveyed reserves in Russia's frontier, that would provide a reserve to match that of the Persian Gulf.

We're getting oil from Venezuela, to name one source....

U.S. Papers Hail Venezuelan Coup as Pro-Democracy Move

American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup

US investigates Venezuela coup role

Venezuela coup linked to Bush team
Specialists in the 'dirty wars' of the Eighties encouraged the plotters who tried to topple President Chavez

US Fingerprints on Venezuelan Coup

Like old days
U.S. role in Venezuela coup under scrutiny


$ [DOH!] $ [DOH!] $ [DOH!] $ [DOH!] $ [DOH!] $ [DOH!]

As for Russia's reserves, controlling Iraq (and the middle east's) oil might be a good counter-move to retard Russias influence in world affairs, eh? Nah, it's not about oil. it's about making the world a better place. Better living thru Halliburton.


Now you knew that talking about CIA/Right wing dirty tricks and undermining elections in Guatemala and Chile these past few days was leading somewhere, didn't you. So I guess it's not so easy to dismiss those things as abberations of the past.