I notice a few items from Whomod's list above have mysteriously disappeared:

Originally posted by whomod:


Just add this Halliburton statement to Bush's other lies:

- "We'll find WMD's any day now."

- "Iraq bought urnaium in Niger."

- "The world is safer because of the War on Terror."

- "They'll welcome us as liberators."

- "We're making progress in Iraq."

What happened to "We'll get Saddam Hussein any day now." ? :lol:


I noticed a change in this post of yours as well:

Originally posted by Whomod:

Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:

I could tolerate your opinion, or perhaps even agree with you on a few points, if not for all your personal venom.

Aw, you're just mad that I used your own posts against you.
You IMPLIED there was a contradiction, without demonstrating it. More smear tactics. There is no contradiction, as I made clear.