Originally posted by MisterJLA:
What happened to "We'll get Saddam Hussein any day now." ?
Only a gutless punk like him would refuse to stand by his words.


Considering right now i'm getting ready to go to work to do my daily standing up to hardened gangbangers in the heart of so.central L.A. as I do every-single-day, I find you calling me gutless quite amusing.

I edited my post because obviously he was caught and that no longer applied. You act like if capturing Saddam somehow negates no bid contracts, overcharging the taxpayers, dodgy evidence of WMD's and on and on.

As with other conservatives on radio and other message boards at the moment, you choose to act as if this is somehow BAD news to so called "liberals". As if anyone who questions Bush is somehow on "saddaams side". It isn't. We aern't. Perhaps the attacks on our troops will lessen now and as an extention of that so will their deaths. And that is good news to me and to every American. Especially to me considering I have a relative (nephew) in Irsq.