Yes, Clinton is still saying that he (Clinton) thought that Bush was right about Saddam having WMDs. I don't know if Bush was lying or mistaken, but it is a proven fact that much of what is coming out now (showing that there were no WMDs) was already readily available at the time of the attack. Hans Blix and the UN came to this conclusion as well as many British and American independent studies.
EVEN IF Bush honestly thought there were WMDs, he should have waited. He was a hurry to get the troops in there before the summer and didn't want to wait.
ON TOP OF ALL THAT, there is the fact that Bush and especially his cabinet was planning this attack way before he started publicly discussing it and mentioning WMDs. You can find it all in the PNAC. They (Rumsfeld, Cheney, others) even once lobbied Clinton to attack Iraq. They discussed the attack in the PNAC before Bush took office. So, even if he did HONESTLY believe that there were WMDs, he was lying when he said we must go to war for that purpose. The purposes for the war were clearly stated in the PNAC.