You know if the intelligence community had been correct and there was indeed WMD's and we waited and a terrorist organization had got ahold of them, and used thenm you 2 would have complained Bush did nothing. That's just pathetic. you are clearly partisan. In whomods post he admits that Clinton believed they had them then twists the truth and says Blix and the UN said they didnt. This is not a fact. At the time Blix said they could not prove they had them, not that they didnt. but that they needed more time to search. Thids is the truth, not skewed towards one party or the other, You guys have pretty much killed any chance of making a persuasive argument by your blind blanket hatred of one person. Facts are facts, Clinton, and Bush had access to the same intelligence. They both believed he possed WMD's, in Clintons tenure there was no 9-11 so the case could be made wait and see. After 9-11, reacting instead of being proactive in most Americans eyes is not a viable option. If we were wrong about WMD's in Iraq at worst we got rid of a brutal dictator. But of course that doesnt matter you guys have bashing to do, sad really.