
JQ said:
I would prefer if we had just kept inspectors there. Saddam wouldn't develop anything big while they were there. Iraq had no more of a connection to terrorism than any other nation. There's no evidence to suggest he had any real connection to terrorism, let alone any plans to supply terrorists with anything. The only plausible reason why Saddam Hussein would ever want to attack us would be because of the sanctions we demanded to keep on the country.


If we were wrong about WMD's in Iraq at worst we got rid of a brutal dictator. But of course that doesnt matter you guys have bashing to do, sad really.

The reasons congress appoved of an attack don't matter? No WMD? No imminent threat? No real threat at all? No real connection to terrorists that attacked us? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but he's a bad guy. Sure, he was a bad guy, but is that any reason to invade a nation? That reason wasn't given as a reason Iraq posed an imminent threat to us. We didn't care in the 80's when Saddam was actually committing these deeds. The "brutal dictator" thing is an excuse, not a justification.

Exactly. I find it amazing that now everything is justified by Sadaam being an evil dictator when the very reason we attacked wasn't for that reason. It was presented as urgent that we attack NOW because Sadaam was months away from developing nuclear weapons and was ready to give WMD's to terrorists. As you said, Sadaam was and had been a brutal dictator for decades. And that's all fine and good to depose him for those reasons. Still, despite all the revisionism, those were not the reasons presented to Congress and the American people last year for a pre-emptive attack on Iraq. Pretending those aern't the facts of this isn't going to make them go away. And I find it beyond ridiculous that we're the ones with an agenda. Since when is truth an agenda? Isn't is just as much of an agenda to ignore when you've been deceived and fish for justification and ignore other facts to make that ok?

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-18 11:12 PM.