You need to re read then, I said it was because there was a belief there was WMD's, but obviously the intelligence so far has been proved mistaken. What I said and alot of other posters(im not speaking for everyone) is is that even if we were mistaken, it's okay we still did some real good by getting rid of him. There will be no more additions to thos mass graves by Saddam, no more 8 year old girls raped in frontt of their parents. So while there may or may not be WMD's I'm losing no sleep over the fact that he is gone. I never said the main argument for going in was WMD's you tried to act like Bush made up that there was WMD's it has been proven tha t all the world Intelligence Community believed there was. It has also be backed up by Clinton, So your point that Bush made this up on his own is nothing but bashing on your part. Get over it. The man won the tightest election in US history, dont cry over it forever.