
whomod said:
I dunno why I'm the one who has an agenda when your own agenda is to defend Bush at all costs as well.

is this where i accuse you of generalising? or attempting to censor bsams' free speech?

it'd be a whole different world, whomod, if you spent as much time offering praise or even suggestions as you did criticisms. you'll knock bush or republicans in general for darn near any reason, and defend any democratic mishap with something like "well, bush did it worse."

in reality, these points don't have to be so partisan.

depending upon your viewpoint, bush is just as much a scumbag as clinton, and vice versa. they're politicians, afterall. you happen to favor one, i happen to favor another. thats about it.

but everyone, from dubya to colon powell, from clinton to chriac, from typhoid dave to dave the wonderboy, felt saddam had wmds. not all of that was based on american, or dubya's intelligence. it was out there, everywhere. even blix had reported suspicions of his own. and, lets not forget, there could still be stuff out there. we've only been in the country for half a year. it took us months to find saddam and you knew he existed.

and lets keep in mind, none of this is blanket defense of george bush. none of this is blind loyalty to the red white and blue. none of this is right wing politics distributed by posters who, within minutes, were frequenting the "ZOD Demands the Boobies Back on TOP!!" thread in the womens forum.

it doesn't have to be such a paranoid view of our own society.

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