
Rob Kamphausen said:

whomod said:
I dunno why I'm the one who has an agenda when your own agenda is to defend Bush at all costs as well.

is this where i accuse you of generalising? or attempting to censor bsams' free speech?

it'd be a whole different world, whomod, if you spent as much time offering praise or even suggestions as you did criticisms. you'll knock bush or republicans in general for darn near any reason, and defend any democratic mishap with something like "well, bush did it worse."



in reality, these points don't have to be so partisan.

depending upon your viewpoint, bush is just as much a scumbag as clinton, and vice versa. they're politicians, afterall. you happen to favor one, i happen to favor another. thats about it.

I agree wholeheartedly there. I think part of my problem, especially with G-Man, is that if one criticizes Bush then all sorts of assumptions are immediately pasted onto you and your alleigances. Clinton did some good things, was a likeable enough guy but yes, was also a scumbag of the highest caliber. So was Gray Davis.


but everyone, from dubya to colin powell, from clinton to chriac, from typhoid dave to dave the wonderboy, felt saddam had wmds. not all of that was based on american, or dubya's intelligence. it was out there, everywhere. even blix had reported suspicions of his own. and, lets not forget, there could still be stuff out there. we've only been in the country for half a year. it took us months to find saddam and you knew he existed.

and lets keep in mind, none of this is blanket defense of george bush. none of this is blind loyalty to the red white and blue. none of this is right wing politics distributed by posters who, within minutes, were frequenting the "ZOD Demands the Boobies Back on TOP!!" thread in the womens forum.

it doesn't have to be such a paranoid view of our own society.

Well, i've given my reasons of why I completely distrust Bush. That isn't to say it's because he represents the Republican Party. It's because he represents (to me at least) the neocon's or what used to be called the Military/Industrial Complex. And nothing they've done has convinced me I'm wrong on this. I see them through this paradigm, You guys don't. So perhaps I'm quicker to distrust than you guys are.

Not because i'm some "liberal" and no Republican can do anything right, but because I see the very people Bush chose for his Administration as the same guys,or representing the same interests, of those who brought us (and have lied to us about) Iran/Contra, the Watergate break in, the interference with Latin American governments and so on.

Now that wouldn't be the case with say John McCain or any other 'progressive-conservative' (or "traitors" and RINO's as some on the extreme far right that now constitute the dominant faction of the GOP call them) being in the White House. I don't have a single minded hatred of Republicans in general just because i happen to vote Democratic as some of you seem to assume.

I did mention that i happened to be a Regan Republican. Back then my friends and I would sit around talking about the "liberals" and the minorities, and immorality, biblical prophecy of the Hal Linsey variey, and welfare and the homos and what not just like G-man and the rest of you do. I was in my own self-righteous ignorance of the world beyond my own neighborhood, back then. As I grew up I realized that the world wasn't colored in those extreme shades of black and white. The world is more complex than that. As are people who I was wrong to prejudge without knowing anything about. That kind of 'progressive-conservative' POV that would accomadte any moderate Republican seems to be the exception and is openly attacked by the extreme neocon supporters and their talk radio fire-stokers nowadays. So what it means to be Republican has narrowed incredibally that i'm surprised Colin Powell, the Log Cabin Republicans and The Republicans for Choice are even tolerated at all nowadays.

You guys have noticed that EXCEPT for politics, i'm pretty much the same in interests and opinions about other things. That's no accident. Before 1990, i'd have been 100% in agreement withyou guys about everything INCLUDING politics.

My friends back then as I said, all shared this this extreme version of republicanism with me that is now the norm. That as well as our love of comics, sci-fi and pentecostal christianity drew us together. Those friends were much like the very people I get into heated debates on this forum over interestingly enough. Meeting and befriending and finding out about actual gay people, Meeting actual poor people and welfare recepients, being one among the working poor as well as meeting all sorts of different minorities that I knew nothing about, experimenting with drugs (here come the cheap shots) that I was told are evil and lead to addiction, meeting people with different worldviews, religions, beleifs and ideas, having sex before marriage, having to deal with the abortion issue 1st hand. All that changed me and my assumptions and self-righteous conclusions about all those subjects. For the better I think. It's always easier to talk out of your ass from a safe distance.

I suspect judging from the Dems in '04 thread and all of right wing media in general, that attacking a Democrat is the same no matter who that Democrat is. Hell, today I was listening to Drudge on the radio attacking Dean's wife for 1st not showing up at his events and when she finally did, he comes out with this retarded question of " I thought she was too busy with patients to join her husband". As if he couldn't imagine the idea of her making the time in her schedule as the Iowa caucases came up. Or it was just another ridiculous example of 'fishing for shit to bitch about (front runner) Dean'. Somehow that kind of hostility is OK because it supports Bush and supports some peoples political biases. But i bet if Dean fired back it would be seen as more erratic hostility from Dean.

Frankly, it's bullshit and it's bullshit that some are so incapable of seeing that kind of double standard. It' s bullshit that people stil think the whole 4 year, $40 million Whitewater investigation which weaved and winded erratically to Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Paula Jones and finally Monica, in investigating every anti-Clinton allegation regarless of their connection to the land deal, was reasonable, sober not hateful, and non-partisan. But asking questions about dodgy evidence that links Sadaam to Al Queda, a SOTU adress rife with previously discredited allegations about uranium that led to a war where 500 troops and thousands of Iraqi's have died is seen as Anti-Bush hatred.

It's gotten boring already.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-19 11:24 AM.