
whomod said:
You guys keep sidestepping the issue of Bush declaring that Sadaams WMD's were an imminent threat to America

It's not a side-stip at all, given your premise.

Your premise has been, all along, that Saddam never had these weapons, that Bush knew this, but lied, and that Bush's lies (and the lies of his "neocon" [ie, "Jewish"?] stooges were the sole source of America's willingness to support the war.

People here have been attempting to point out that pretty much EVERYONE thought he had these weapons. The reason for doing so is not a sidestep, but simply an effort at making the obvious point that, if everyone believed it, it is less likely that Bush was lying, and more likely that he simply believed the same thing that Clinton, etc., believed. A mistaken belief is not a lie, no matter what party the President is in.

Furthermore, there's the fact that this demonstrates your own anti-Bush bias. Everyone, including Bush, said "Saddam has these weapons" and, yet, the only person you think was actually lying when he made this statement is Bush.

Why don't you think the others were lying? The only reason anyone has seen so far is that you just don't like the President.

You might argue that your intense personal distate for the President is irrelevant to the issue. However, when evaluating the argument of anyone, it is natural--if not prudent--to consider that person's bias and how it might color their argument. (G-d knows you spend enough time arguing my perceived bias. )

As such, it's not really fair for you to claim this is a side-step. It's simply an argument you're having trouble disputing.