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Nope, I dont have an agenda I just like pointing out your hypocrsy thats all. It's easy. It's fun.
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Jesus Christ could come down from Heaven, and tell everyone He too thought that Hussein had WMD, and whomod would still try to spin the blame on Bush.
Last edited by MisterJLA; 2004-01-19 2:59 AM.
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: We'll if getting rid of a man who kills and tortures thousands of people isnbt justifiable to you then I really feel sorry for you. I'd hate to think I would ever be that cold.
Reread the post.
"Basically, you've just responded with argumentative opinion to everything I've said. And you respond with speculations, speculating that I'M speculating. "- Wonder Boy
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whomod said: I dunno why I'm the one who has an agenda when your own agenda is to defend Bush at all costs as well.
is this where i accuse you of generalising? or attempting to censor bsams' free speech?
it'd be a whole different world, whomod, if you spent as much time offering praise or even suggestions as you did criticisms. you'll knock bush or republicans in general for darn near any reason, and defend any democratic mishap with something like "well, bush did it worse."
in reality, these points don't have to be so partisan.
depending upon your viewpoint, bush is just as much a scumbag as clinton, and vice versa. they're politicians, afterall. you happen to favor one, i happen to favor another. thats about it.
but everyone, from dubya to colon powell, from clinton to chriac, from typhoid dave to dave the wonderboy, felt saddam had wmds. not all of that was based on american, or dubya's intelligence. it was out there, everywhere. even blix had reported suspicions of his own. and, lets not forget, there could still be stuff out there. we've only been in the country for half a year. it took us months to find saddam and you knew he existed.
and lets keep in mind, none of this is blanket defense of george bush. none of this is blind loyalty to the red white and blue. none of this is right wing politics distributed by posters who, within minutes, were frequenting the "ZOD Demands the Boobies Back on TOP!!" thread in the womens forum.
it doesn't have to be such a paranoid view of our own society.
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Rob Kamphausen said:
whomod said:
I dunno why I'm the one who has an agenda when your own agenda is to defend Bush at all costs as well.
is this where i accuse you of generalising? or attempting to censor bsams' free speech?
it'd be a whole different world, whomod, if you spent as much time offering praise or even suggestions as you did criticisms. you'll knock bush or republicans in general for darn near any reason, and defend any democratic mishap with something like "well, bush did it worse."
in reality, these points don't have to be so partisan.
depending upon your viewpoint, bush is just as much a scumbag as clinton, and vice versa. they're politicians, afterall. you happen to favor one, i happen to favor another. thats about it.
I agree wholeheartedly there. I think part of my problem, especially with G-Man, is that if one criticizes Bush then all sorts of assumptions are immediately pasted onto you and your alleigances. Clinton did some good things, was a likeable enough guy but yes, was also a scumbag of the highest caliber. So was Gray Davis.
but everyone, from dubya to colin powell, from clinton to chriac, from typhoid dave to dave the wonderboy, felt saddam had wmds. not all of that was based on american, or dubya's intelligence. it was out there, everywhere. even blix had reported suspicions of his own. and, lets not forget, there could still be stuff out there. we've only been in the country for half a year. it took us months to find saddam and you knew he existed.
and lets keep in mind, none of this is blanket defense of george bush. none of this is blind loyalty to the red white and blue. none of this is right wing politics distributed by posters who, within minutes, were frequenting the "ZOD Demands the Boobies Back on TOP!!" thread in the womens forum.
it doesn't have to be such a paranoid view of our own society.
Well, i've given my reasons of why I completely distrust Bush. That isn't to say it's because he represents the Republican Party. It's because he represents (to me at least) the neocon's or what used to be called the Military/Industrial Complex. And nothing they've done has convinced me I'm wrong on this. I see them through this paradigm, You guys don't. So perhaps I'm quicker to distrust than you guys are.
Not because i'm some "liberal" and no Republican can do anything right, but because I see the very people Bush chose for his Administration as the same guys,or representing the same interests, of those who brought us (and have lied to us about) Iran/Contra, the Watergate break in, the interference with Latin American governments and so on.
Now that wouldn't be the case with say John McCain or any other 'progressive-conservative' (or "traitors" and RINO's as some on the extreme far right that now constitute the dominant faction of the GOP call them) being in the White House. I don't have a single minded hatred of Republicans in general just because i happen to vote Democratic as some of you seem to assume.
I did mention that i happened to be a Regan Republican. Back then my friends and I would sit around talking about the "liberals" and the minorities, and immorality, biblical prophecy of the Hal Linsey variey, and welfare and the homos and what not just like G-man and the rest of you do. I was in my own self-righteous ignorance of the world beyond my own neighborhood, back then. As I grew up I realized that the world wasn't colored in those extreme shades of black and white. The world is more complex than that. As are people who I was wrong to prejudge without knowing anything about. That kind of 'progressive-conservative' POV that would accomadte any moderate Republican seems to be the exception and is openly attacked by the extreme neocon supporters and their talk radio fire-stokers nowadays. So what it means to be Republican has narrowed incredibally that i'm surprised Colin Powell, the Log Cabin Republicans and The Republicans for Choice are even tolerated at all nowadays.
You guys have noticed that EXCEPT for politics, i'm pretty much the same in interests and opinions about other things. That's no accident. Before 1990, i'd have been 100% in agreement withyou guys about everything INCLUDING politics.
My friends back then as I said, all shared this this extreme version of republicanism with me that is now the norm. That as well as our love of comics, sci-fi and pentecostal christianity drew us together. Those friends were much like the very people I get into heated debates on this forum over interestingly enough. Meeting and befriending and finding out about actual gay people, Meeting actual poor people and welfare recepients, being one among the working poor as well as meeting all sorts of different minorities that I knew nothing about, experimenting with drugs (here come the cheap shots) that I was told are evil and lead to addiction, meeting people with different worldviews, religions, beleifs and ideas, having sex before marriage, having to deal with the abortion issue 1st hand. All that changed me and my assumptions and self-righteous conclusions about all those subjects. For the better I think. It's always easier to talk out of your ass from a safe distance.
I suspect judging from the Dems in '04 thread and all of right wing media in general, that attacking a Democrat is the same no matter who that Democrat is. Hell, today I was listening to Drudge on the radio attacking Dean's wife for 1st not showing up at his events and when she finally did, he comes out with this retarded question of " I thought she was too busy with patients to join her husband". As if he couldn't imagine the idea of her making the time in her schedule as the Iowa caucases came up. Or it was just another ridiculous example of 'fishing for shit to bitch about (front runner) Dean'. Somehow that kind of hostility is OK because it supports Bush and supports some peoples political biases. But i bet if Dean fired back it would be seen as more erratic hostility from Dean.
Frankly, it's bullshit and it's bullshit that some are so incapable of seeing that kind of double standard. It' s bullshit that people stil think the whole 4 year, $40 million Whitewater investigation which weaved and winded erratically to Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Paula Jones and finally Monica, in investigating every anti-Clinton allegation regarless of their connection to the land deal, was reasonable, sober not hateful, and non-partisan. But asking questions about dodgy evidence that links Sadaam to Al Queda, a SOTU adress rife with previously discredited allegations about uranium that led to a war where 500 troops and thousands of Iraqi's have died is seen as Anti-Bush hatred.
It's gotten boring already.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-19 11:24 AM.
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MisterJLA said:
Jesus Christ could come down from Heaven, and tell everyone He too thought that Hussein had WMD, and whomod would still try to spin the blame on Bush.
God himself has already come down and declared Bush the victor in the coming election.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-19 5:50 AM.
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Ok, so GOD himself endorses BUSH. But who do the Avengers, The Justice League and Jesus Support???? 
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More "neocon" lies for whomod to deal with...
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." --Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998
"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983." --Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by: -- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998
"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." -- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999
"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." Letter to President Bush, Signed by: -- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001
"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them." -- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." -- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002
"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..." -- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002
"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction." -- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002
"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do" -- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." -- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." -- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." -- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
Last edited by MisterJLA; 2004-01-19 7:15 PM.
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whomod's "Yeah, but Bush said..." response in 3, 2, 1...
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No Bush created the hole thing! whomod couldnt be wrong!
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Yeah, Bush's neocon henchmen were secretly advising Clinton, remember? 
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Yeah, and liberals whine too much about Bush. Clinton has been gone for 4 years, but you'll still hear Hannity blaming everything on him every night. Sure, Hussein's had weapons of Mass Destruction, but read some books, we're the only country to ever use them. We were the only ones to use them during the 2nd Gulf War. There's information coming out that shows Kuwait didn't even consider him a threat after the Gulf War. We had inspectors there, he's not going to try and attack the world's last super power.
Forget about big bad Clinton and prove Saddam was a threat.
"Basically, you've just responded with argumentative opinion to everything I've said. And you respond with speculations, speculating that I'M speculating. "- Wonder Boy
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JQ said: Sure, Hussein's had weapons of Mass Destruction...
Thank you.
You may run along now.
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JQ said: Hussein's had weapons of Mass Destruction, but read some books, we're the only country to ever use them.
Actually, didn't Saddam gas the Kurds? Wasn't poison gas one of the "weapons of mass destruction?"
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No, that would be chemical weapons.
When used the term WMD I was refering to short rangend missiles, not nukes. But that's common knowledge. Many believe we supplied him with weapons during Iran-Iraq war.
"Basically, you've just responded with argumentative opinion to everything I've said. And you respond with speculations, speculating that I'M speculating. "- Wonder Boy
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MisterJLA said:
Jesus Christ could come down from Heaven, and tell everyone He too thought that Hussein had WMD, and whomod would still try to spin the blame on Bush.
I don't care if you bring me quotes from God himself. As with G-man you think that merely showing me what Democrats think, as if I'm somehow in total agreement and in lock-step with them, is supposed to somehow counter my opinions?
Don't tell me about Sadaam's WMD's and how EVERYONE knew he had them.
That's all I ask.
You guys keep sidestepping the issue of Bush declaring that Sadaams WMD's were an imminent threat to America and instead choose to focus on everyone who said he had them to begin with. The issue is that we went into an unprecedented preemptive war based on assertions to the certainty of WMD's and about how we knew exactly where they were and assertions to the certainty of the likes of Al Queda getting them from their pal Sadaam.
Since we all know after all that the Iraq War was was all part of the War on Terror and according to the opinions of about 70% of American's was a direct result of 9/11 and Sadaams direct involvment and/or link to it.
Hey, if G.I's stumble across a cache of nuclear or biological weapons out in the desert somewhere, then guess what??
(well, at least the part about Sadaam having them, anyways.)
There is no shame is saying so despite some peoples partisan stoked assumptions to the contrary. Again, just prove that going to war in Iraq and going to war immediately and urgently was needed because the safety of America and the American people couldn't wait, not even a few months. Those were the assertions made after all.
And then once more I'll say, the PROOFS presented to the American people as to the neccesity of immediate preemptive war were not all those 90's era quotes from the Clinton Administration and old intel. The proofs presented during the SOTU adress and for the past year or so were secret meetings in Prauge, Uranium from Niger and a whole host of evidence that made war, immediate war, the only sane and logical conclusion.
Remember, all of this is why we urgently and sharply diverted the War on Terror from finding and punishing those responsible for 9/11, namely Osama Bin Laden (remember him?) to attacking Iraq. Our immediate safety was at stake!
To get back to the long list of quotes, I think you guys feel that a bunch of Democrats asserting WMD's not only backs Bush up but it discredits me as well. haha. Poor pathetic whomod. It's ironic that of all people, George Will backs up my own opinions on all this foolishness.
The Bush Doctrine At Risk
.......To govern is to choose, almost always on the basis of very imperfect information. But preemption presupposes the ability to know things -- to know about threats with a degree of certainty not requisite for decisions less momentous than those for waging war.
Some say the war was justified even if WMD are not found nor their destruction explained, because the world is "better off" without Saddam Hussein. Of course it is better off. But unless one is prepared to postulate a U.S. right, perhaps even a duty, to militarily dismantle any tyranny -- on to Burma? -- it is unacceptable to argue that Hussein's mass graves and torture chambers suffice as retrospective justifications for preemptive war. Americans seem sanguine about the failure -- so far -- to validate the war's premise about the threat posed by Hussein's WMD, but a long-term failure would unravel much of this president's policy and rhetoric.
Hussein, forced by the defection of his son-in-law, acknowledged in the mid-1990s his possession of chemical and biological weapons. President Clinton, British, French and German intelligence agencies, and even Hans Blix (who tells the British newspaper the Guardian, "We know for sure that they did exist") have expressed certainty about Iraq's having WMD at some point.
A vast multinational conspiracy of bad faith, using fictitious WMD as a pretext for war, is a wildly implausible explanation of the failure to find WMD. What is plausible? James Woolsey, Clinton's first CIA director, suggests the following:
As war approached, Hussein, a killer but not a fighter, was a parochial figure who had not left Iraq since 1979. He was surrounded by terrified sycophants and several Russian advisers who assured him that if Russia could not subdue Grozny in Chechnya, casualty-averse Americans would not conquer Baghdad.
Based on his experience in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Hussein assumed there would be a ground offensive only after prolonged bombing. U.S. forces would conquer the desert, then stop. He could manufacture civilian casualties -- perhaps by blowing up some of his own hospitals -- to inflame world opinion and could count on his European friends to force a halt in the war, based on his promise to open Iraq to inspections, having destroyed his WMD on the eve of war.
Or shortly after the war began. Hussein, suggests Woolsey, was stunned when Gen. Tommy Franks began the air and ground offenses simultaneously and then "pulled a Patton," saying, in effect, never mind my flanks, I'll move so fast they can't find my flanks. Hussein, Woolsey suggests, may have moved fast to destroy the material that was the justification for a war he intended to survive, and may have survived.
Such destruction need not have been a huge task.
In Britain, where political discourse is far fiercer than in America, Prime Minister Tony Blair is being roasted about the missing WMD by, among many others, Robin Cook, formerly his foreign secretary. Cook says: "Such weapons require substantial industrial plant and a large workforce. It is inconceivable that both could have been kept concealed for the two months we have been in occupation of Iraq."
Rubbish, says Woolsey: Chemical or biological weapons could have been manufactured with minor modifications of a fertilizer plant, or in a plant as small as a microbrewery attached to a restaurant. The 8,500 liters of anthrax that Hussein once admitted to having would weigh about 8.5 tons and would fill about half of a tractor-trailer truck. The 25,000 liters that Colin Powell cited in his U.N. speech could be concealed in two trucks -- or in much less space if the anthrax were powdered.
For the president, the missing weapons are not a political problem. Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, says Americans are happily focused on Iraqis liberated rather than WMD not found, so we "feel good about ourselves."
But unless America's foreign policy is New Age therapy to make the public feel mellow, feeling good about the consequences of an action does not obviate the need to assess the original rationale for the action.
Until WMD are found, or their absence accounted for, there is urgent explaining to be done.
Poor pathetic George Will.
You see, it's you guys' unwavering devotion to anything Bush says, despite it being discredited, and following the daily and weekly talking points from Rush and Hannity to a T! That makes me think lesser of you guys' opinion. You guys can't even entertain what I (or Will ) am saying. All that matters is Bush and yourselves must come out right and I must come out completely and entirely wrong because i'm a "lib" and that is the "lib" position and the libs are wrong and the libs are weak and the libs libs libs....
I really don't think it's because i'm not making sense or i'm presenting my case poorly. I think that's been pretty much predetirmined by some of you, as a matter of fact. Bush= right. The "libs"=wrong.
Once more to end this posting, the issue isn't that all the Clinton inel that said Sadaam had WMD's. The issue is that we went to war and as a direct result thousands of Iraqi's died and and that we sent hundreds of U.S. and allied troops to their deaths under shaky if not outright false premises. Because we were under such immediate danger that even Osama could wait. And it had NOTHING to do with rape rooms, torture chambers or any of the post-no WMD justifications. And you know it.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-23 7:24 AM.
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The problem is, Whomod, they can´t prove it! because they haven´t found any, and according to Tony Blair, probably never will. now, I´m not saying that Hussein didn´t have WMD, all I´m saying is that people may need to realize that there is a chance that there were no WMD! Of course he wanted them, of that there can be no doubt. And of course he was a murderous dictator. But I hardly think that he posed a threat to the US. or any other nation, at least not in the western world.
Did he have connections to Al-Quaida? Probably, probably not!
Was the war wrong? If you ask me the world certainly isn´t a worse place now than it was before. And the Iraqi people seem to be happy that he is gone.
So maybe the war was right?
Racks be to MisterJLA
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: poor whomod.
Poor Tony
I guess Blair and Pinochet will be quite happy trying to dodge the authorities together now.
By the way, that's not a response bsams.
That is called patronizing.
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whomod said: You guys keep sidestepping the issue of Bush declaring that Sadaams WMD's were an imminent threat to America
It's not a side-stip at all, given your premise.
Your premise has been, all along, that Saddam never had these weapons, that Bush knew this, but lied, and that Bush's lies (and the lies of his "neocon" [ie, "Jewish"?] stooges were the sole source of America's willingness to support the war.
People here have been attempting to point out that pretty much EVERYONE thought he had these weapons. The reason for doing so is not a sidestep, but simply an effort at making the obvious point that, if everyone believed it, it is less likely that Bush was lying, and more likely that he simply believed the same thing that Clinton, etc., believed. A mistaken belief is not a lie, no matter what party the President is in.
Furthermore, there's the fact that this demonstrates your own anti-Bush bias. Everyone, including Bush, said "Saddam has these weapons" and, yet, the only person you think was actually lying when he made this statement is Bush.
Why don't you think the others were lying? The only reason anyone has seen so far is that you just don't like the President.
You might argue that your intense personal distate for the President is irrelevant to the issue. However, when evaluating the argument of anyone, it is natural--if not prudent--to consider that person's bias and how it might color their argument. (G-d knows you spend enough time arguing my perceived bias. )
As such, it's not really fair for you to claim this is a side-step. It's simply an argument you're having trouble disputing.
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I think I made my point about me not trusting the BUSH ADMINISTRATION, not all Republicans mind you. I then offered instances of past misdeeds by the type of Republicans Bush has chosen to surround himself with. I beleive you responded by opening a "CONSPIRACY THEORIES" thread where you took another cheap dig at me.
If that is considered "bias", then yeah, i'm biased. I think I have good reason to be. If you want one, just one, specific example of why I distrust these guys, lets go back to the Iraq war. No not the one last year, the one a decade ago....
When George H. W. Bush ordered American forces to the Persian Gulf – to reverse Iraq's August 1990 invasion of Kuwait – part of the administration case was that an Iraqi juggernaut was also threatening to roll into Saudi Arabia.
Citing top-secret satellite images, Pentagon officials estimated in mid–September that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1,500 tanks stood on the border, threatening the key US oil supplier.
But when the St. Petersburg Times in Florida acquired two commercial Soviet satellite images of the same area, taken at the same time, no Iraqi troops were visible near the Saudi border – just empty desert.
"It was a pretty serious fib," says Jean Heller, the Times journalist who broke the story.
The White House is now making its case. to Congress and the public for another invasion of Iraq; President George W. Bush is expected to present specific evidence of the threat posed by Iraq during a speech to the United Nations next week.
But past cases of bad intelligence or outright disinformation used to justify war are making experts wary. The questions they are raising, some based on examples from the 1991 Persian Gulf War, highlight the importance of accurate information when a democracy considers military action.
"My concern in these situations, always, is that the intelligence that you get is driven by the policy, rather than the policy being driven by the intelligence,"
........"That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending troops in there, and it just didn't exist," Ms. Heller says. Three times Heller contacted the office of Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney (now vice president) for evidence refuting the Times photos or analysis – offering to hold the story if proven wrong.
The official response: "Trust us." To this day, the Pentagon's photographs of the Iraqi troop buildup remain classified.
In war, some facts less factual
And I'm supposed to "just trust them" or else I have an unreasonable hatred of Bush?? I mean just how gullible do you have to be??
When it comes to THESE particular people and these particular peoples obsessions with Iraq, I take everything with a grain of salt, not because I'm a lib or biased or what have you. Because of experience. I don't know why that is so unreasonable or so hard to fathom.
What i'm saying is that these people have been proven to be liars and manipulators in the past. They're known for that. That being said, if we're being driven to war on the basis of statements made by these people, then the sensible thing to do is to make sure our facts are correct and haven't been manipulated to acheive the conclusions these proven liars want.
Now if a segment of our population, motivated by partisan devotion, don't want to ask the hard questions, then in a democracy, someone has to. Especially when it involves nothing less than war. Despite some peoples juvenile view of war as ass kickings and video-game style entertainment, war is the most serious and grave endeavour any nation can make. I think it's reasonable to expect the reasons for engaging in war to be not only true but good enough for the American public to back you up, without embellishment of those facts.
I won't discuss this link but it does mention some of that intelligence that Bush had about WMD's from Iraqi defectors.
Yes yes, here it comes, "but Clinton had the same intelligence". Yep. But he didn't embellish it nor declare that it be urgent that we go to war ASAP based on that intel. If he did, then a close examination of that evidence would also be warranted and i'm sure would have happened. Not just by myself but by the likes of hannity and Rush as well.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-20 8:23 PM.
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but not only did bill lob a buncha missiles into iraq (on multiple occasions), i think clinton has also "been proven to be (a) liar(s) and (a) manipulator(s) in the past" -- so how do we know he didn't fabricate things? po-tay-to, po-tah-to. this whole thread is pretty kooky  whomod, i don't knock you for asking the questions or taking things with the grains of delicious, delicious salt. those're good things. necessary things. the crazy point is, to me, it seems like you're just "out to get" dubya -- even to the point where, in the past, if anyone has disagreed with your thoughts, they were viewed as blind, loyalist supporters. so, while you may believe the bush admin is skewing info... maybe we're believing you and your articles are skewing your info on the bush admin. its an endless loop of questions impossible to answer. the facts are... that no one knows the facts. at least, clearly, none of us. you can list 1,000 links to 1,000 articles that show the country of iraq doesn't even exist. i can retaliate with 1,500 articles that show america didn't exist, first. just because you say stuff, doesn't make it so. if that were the case, i'd be saying many things, on a daily basis -- most consisting of the phrase "pamela." ... and later "please stop laughing." bottom lining it, you're inclined to distrust (this specific admin). i'm inclined to believe (this specific admin). and thats pretty much all we're sure of.
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Rob Kamphausen said:
but not only did bill lob a buncha missiles into iraq (on multiple occasions), i think clinton has also "been proven to be (a) liar(s) and (a) manipulator(s) in the past" -- so how do we know he didn't fabricate things?
po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
But this isn't a case of Bush vs. Clinton. I think that is part of the reason it's become a question of partisanship rather than a question of intelligence and fact.
this whole thread is pretty kooky
whomod, i don't knock you for asking the questions or taking things with the grains of delicious, delicious salt. those're good things. necessary things.
the crazy point is, to me, it seems like you're just "out to get" dubya -- even to the point where, in the past, if anyone has disagreed with your thoughts, they were viewed as blind, loyalist supporters.
so, while you may believe the bush admin is skewing info... maybe we're believing you and your articles are skewing your info on the bush admin. its an endless loop of questions impossible to answer.
the facts are... that no one knows the facts. at least, clearly, none of us. you can list 1,000 links to 1,000 articles that show the country of iraq doesn't even exist. i can retaliate with 1,500 articles that show america didn't exist, first.
just because you say stuff, doesn't make it so. if that were the case, i'd be saying many things, on a daily basis -- most consisting of the phrase "pamela." ... and later "please stop laughing."
Yep. That's why I went with a George Will column and the Christian Science Monitor articles rather than something from Hated.com, MoveOn.org or somewhere. To show that this isn't a case of hatred or partisanship. It's a question of FACTS. There was a William Buckley Jr. article that asked the same questions as well but unfortunately Buckley seems to have pulled that one particular article off of his website.
bottom lining it, you're inclined to distrust (this specific admin). i'm inclined to believe (this specific admin). and thats pretty much all we're sure of.
I'd feel better about that if I were given reasons of why Bush earns your trust. I've given mine and I think I've tried (lately) to present them in something more reasoned and factual than simply " i hate Bush" or "because I'm a Lib" or something. I've made a point of saying I think Bush earns trust despite everything based on the sociological implications of a conservative presidency on his supporters rather than because of anything he may actually do or say. I'd like to be proven wrong on that.
David Kay has just contradicted Bush's assertions. Now I know Sadaam was bad and everyone feels rather good about him being deposed. Again, I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing assertions made exactly one year ago today that Iraq couldn't wait because we were in immimnent danger from him. It seems in our partisan back and forth that we're forgetting WHY we went to war originally. Not because Sadaaam was a cruel despot or because sanctions wearn't working but because he directly threatened the US. Or so we were told with great certainty.
But regardless, our back and forth isn't going to amount to a hill of beans anyways. It just makes for some good debate. Now it's up to the American public to decide if it matters much to them. I seriously don't think so beleive it or not. Just in talking to people who still think Sadaam was responsible for 9/11. But then I can't make those kinds of assumtions either.
We've been pretty much given a victorious war and judging from the media coverage, a rather bloodless one at that. At least as far was what is beamed into America's living rooms. Those kinds of things play more favourably than actually seeing blood and carnage and dead bodies on a nightly basis. And since I think people generally respond based on what they see on the 6:00 news, I'd say it was a case of the propaganda making the presumption of easy victory and kicking ass. Which make the reasons we wrere there in the 1st place, moot in peoples opinions
And yeah, I said propaganda. When you see only one side, a sanitized side, presented rather than the more gory coverage of the world press, then you're getting a slanted view designed to influence your opinion.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-23 8:26 PM.
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In a case of incrediblly bad timing....
January 23, 2004
Cheney Is Adamant on Iraq 'Evidence'
Vice president revives assertions on banned weaponry and links to Al Qaeda that other administration officials have backed away from.
By Greg Miller, Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Vice President Dick Cheney revived two controversial assertions about the war in Iraq on Thursday, declaring there was "overwhelming evidence" that Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Al Qaeda and that two trailers discovered after the war were proof of Iraq's biological weapons programs.
The vice president stood by positions that others in the Bush administration have largely abandoned in recent months, as preliminary analysis of the trailers has been called into question and new evidence — including a document found with Hussein when he was captured — cast doubt on theories that Iraq and Al Qaeda collaborated.
Cheney's comments were seen as stoking the controversy over Iraq as the vice president was embarking on a trip to an economic summit in Switzerland and meetings with European officials, some of them fierce opponents of the war who have been dismissive of U.S. claims about the threat posed by Iraq.
Cheney has consistently espoused the most hawkish views among senior administration officials. His statements Thursday suggest he intends to maintain that tone as he takes a more high-profile role in President Bush's reelection campaign.
"There's overwhelming evidence there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government," Cheney said in an interview on National Public Radio. "I am very confident that there was an established relationship there."
That assertion appeared at odds with the recent words of other senior administration officials, including Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who said in an interview this month that he had "not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence" of connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
Danielle Pletka, an analyst at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, defended Cheney's comments, saying he referred only to a "relationship" between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
"Nobody has ever said Saddam directed Al Qaeda in attacks," Pletka said. "But it is clear that had he decided to do so at any point it would have been easy."
Members of Congress and some in the intelligence community said Thursday that Cheney's comments could lead the public to believe there was collaboration between Iraq and Al Qaeda, and that that was not supported by the evidence.
U.S. intelligence officials agree that there was contact between Hussein's agents and Al Qaeda members as far back as a decade ago and that operatives with ties to Al Qaeda had at times found safe haven in Iraq. But no intelligence has surfaced to suggest a deeper relationship, and other information turned up recently has suggested that significant ties were unlikely.
Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is in custody, has told American interrogators that Al Qaeda rejected the idea of any working relationship with Iraq, which was seen by the terrorist network as a corrupt, secular regime. When Hussein was captured last month, he was found with a document warning his supporters to be wary of working with foreign fighters.
"There's nothing I have seen or read that backs [Cheney] up," said Sen. John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who called Cheney's remarks Thursday "perplexing."
Cheney also argued that the main thrust of the administration's case for war — the claim that Iraq was assembling weapons of mass destruction — had been validated by the discovery of two flatbed trailers outfitted with tanks and other equipment.
"We've found a couple of semi-trailers at this point which we believe were in fact part of [a WMD] program," Cheney said. "I would deem that conclusive evidence, if you will, that he did in fact have programs for weapons of mass destruction."
That view is at odds with the judgment of the government's lead weapons inspector, David Kay, who said in an interim report in October that "we have not yet been able to corroborate the existence of a mobile [biological weapons] production effort."
In a BBC interview that aired Thursday night on public television in the United States, Kay said that is still the case. He said it was "premature and embarrassing" for the CIA to conclude shortly after the vehicles were discovered last year that they were weapons labs. "I wish that news hadn't come out," Kay said, calling the release of the information a "fiasco."
Experts are still in disagreement over the purpose of the vehicles, with some saying they may have been meant for biological weapons production and others saying it was more likely they were meant for making hydrogen.
Cheney is considered the administration official who has the most influence with Bush. His role in assembling the case for war has been controversial.
His numerous trips to CIA headquarters before the war were interpreted by some critics as an effort to pressure agency analysts to adopt hard-line views. In his public appearances, he often cast the alleged threat from Iraq in a harsh light, warning that United Nations inspectors could not be effective and that Iraq had reconstituted its nuclear program. Kay has since said there was no active nuclear program.
Since the war, as the administration has sought to deflect charges that it exaggerated the Iraqi threat, Cheney has appeared reluctant to give ground. On occasion, this has created public relations problems for the White House.
After Cheney implied in a television interview in September that Iraq was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush was forced to acknowledge days later that the administration "had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved" in Sept. 11.
The White House had no comment Thursday on Cheney's remarks.
Citing Cheney's latest comments, Democrats on Capitol Hill renewed their calls for an examination of the administration's use of intelligence.
"This is the same problem that existed before the war. Leaders are going beyond what the intelligence community said," said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).
The intelligence committees in the House and Senate are nearing completion of reports on intelligence failures in Iraq, but Republican leaders have resisted calls for examinations of claims made by officials in the executive branch.
Cheney insisted the "jury is still out" on whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded last year. He said the search for banned arms should continue there.
"It's going to take some additional, considerable period of time in order to look in all the cubbyholes and the ammo dumps and all the places in Iraq where you might expect to find something like that," Cheney said.
Bush has staunchly defended his decision to go to war, but has had to adopt somewhat strained language to characterize the threat he says was posed.
With no weapons of mass destruction yet discovered, Bush in his State of the Union address Tuesday said the United States had evidence of "weapons-of-mass-destruction-related program activities."
..and in the other corner, David Kay making hay out of Cheney's assertions.
Ex-Arms Hunter Says Iraq Had No Banned Stockpiles
I'm eagerly awaiting the Administration response. I'm curious if he's going to be as ridiculed and vilified as Hans Blix and Joe Wilson were after they contradicted Administration assertions.
Although, Cheney looks to be alone in the wind making these assertions. IMO to keep the "certainty of WMD's" sound byte out there rather than actually having anything factual to back that up. All that matters is that sound byte on the 6:00 news to form the conventional wisdom . IMO, of course.
"I don't think they existed," Kay told Reuters in a telephone interview. "What everyone was talking about is stockpiles produced after the end of the last (1991) Gulf War and I don't think there was a large-scale production program in the '90s," he said.
And this will return me to my point that this isn't about "getting Bush". This after all is the guy the Administration was counting on to validate them. This is about statements that led us into war. Again, if you trust Bush, then tell me why. Don't just continue to trust, and trust blindly based on partisan and sociological reasons. Looking closely when something validates your beleifs. Looking away when they don't. That is not condusive to good democracy. That is more akin to the type of loyalty needed in Authoritarian governments.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-24 11:22 AM.
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Now this is interesting....
January 23, 2004
Court to Let Iranian Ex-Spy Give Evidence at 9/11 Trial
By Dirk Laabs and Sebastian Rotella, Special to The Times
HAMBURG, Germany — A judge in the trial of an accused Sept. 11 plotter agreed Thursday to hear last-minute testimony from a former Iranian spy claiming to have inside evidence about the plot and about an alliance of Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Iranian intelligence.
The ex-spy also told German federal police he was a longtime double agent for the CIA and had contacted U.S. and French intelligence before the Sept. 11 attacks to warn about an impending Al Qaeda strike, according to testimony Thursday.
The description by two German investigators of the Iranian's wide-ranging story drew questions from the judge and defense lawyers, who cast doubt on his trustworthiness. A prosecutor testified that the Iranian had aided German authorities in a separate case involving Iranian spies but admitted that police were still assessing his credibility as a witness against Abdelghani Mzoudi, a Moroccan suspected of being an associate of the hijackers based in Hamburg.
Judge Klaus Ruehle urged prosecutors to have the new witness testify next Thursday. The former spy is between 30 and 35, goes by the alias Hamid Reza Zakeri and has given several interviews to journalists since fleeing Iran in July 2001, according to testimony.
But it was not clear whether Zakeri would actually take the stand in the five-month trial. In addition to doubts about his credibility, prosecutors said they want to ensure that they can protect his anonymity.
The cloak-and-dagger story was superimposed on the trial on the day originally set for announcement of the verdict. Mzoudi, who is charged as an accessory to murder, allegedly trained at an Al Qaeda camp and later paid bills and helped provide apartments for the Hamburg hijackers, prosecutors charge.
Zakeri told police that a top Iranian intelligence official last month identified Mzoudi as a communications specialist for the Hamburg plotters, according to testimony. Defense lawyers scoffed at the accusation.
"An acquittal for my client is not in danger," lawyer Guel Pinar said. The defense cited a U.S. magazine article that quoted an American intelligence official describing Zakeri as "a fabricator of monumental proportions."
The world of espionage and counter-terrorism often produces figures who blur the lines between fact, fiction and manipulation.
Nonetheless, German prosecutors consider him a strong enough witness to publicly pin their hopes for a conviction on him. While Western counter-terrorism officials have accused Iran of harboring Al Qaeda figures after the Sept. 11 attacks, Zakeri alleges that an alliance teaming Al Qaeda with the Shiite Muslim militant group Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors intensified before the attacks, according to testimony.
Zakeri told police that Iranian agents met in January and May of 2001 with Al Qaeda leaders including Ayman Zawahiri and Saad bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden. After the meetings, Iranian agents and a unit led by Imad Mughniyah, a Hezbollah chieftain present at the meetings, said a major attack was in the works, according to Zakeri's account. Zakeri claimed that his boss told him the date would be Sept. 10 or 11, according to police.
Zakeri also told police he went to a CIA agent in Baku, Azerbaijan, to warn of an impending Al Qaeda attack — and to demand $1.2 million he said he was owed for serving as a double agent for the U.S. since 1992.
That brought a lighthearted comment from the judge, who said: "So he came to collect his double-agent fees."
Pressed by the judge, investigators declined to evaluate Zakeri's credibility. Officer Andy Neuman testified that he felt the witness "looked serious."
Asked about the Iranian's motives, Prosecutor Bruno Just said Zakeri had asked for help finding an apartment in Berlin and dealing with immigration when he contacted prosecutors about a separate case. Zakeri told interrogators that he "has to make a living somehow" and could give more information "if an agreement is reached," according to testimony.
But when asked whether money was his main motive, according to testimony, he said: "No. I want to serve my country."
as is this. Although my AM radio right now painted this as PROOF of Al Queda links to Sadaam...
U.S. Nabs Key Guerrilla Figure in Iraq, Officials Say
this guy here says we CAUGHT Osama already. Although i'd take that with a grain of salt.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-24 10:47 AM.
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And now Powell.
Powell: It's 'Open Question' Whether Iraq Had WMD
TBILISI (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) said on Saturday it was an "open question" whether stocks of weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq (news - web sites) and conceded it was possible Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) had none.
Powell made the comments one day after David Kay, the leader of the U.S. hunt for banned weapons in Iraq, stepped down and said he did not believe there were any large stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons in the country.
"The open question is how many stocks they had, if any, and if they had any, where did they go. And if they didn't have any, then why wasn't that known beforehand?" Powell said to reporters as he flew to Tbilisi to attend Sunday's inauguration of Georgian President-elect Mikhail Saakashvili.
The Bush administration's central argument for going to war against Iraq last year was that Baghdad had weapons of mass destruction that could threaten the United States and its allies.
No banned arms have been found in Iraq since the United States invaded and toppled Saddam.
Kay told Reuters on Friday he did not believe the country had any large stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons produced after the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites). Its nuclear activities had not resumed in any significant way, he said.
The comments dented the credibility of the administration's case for the war, which was presented most extensively by Powell at the U.N. Security Council on February 5, 2003.
Asked which was right -- Kay's statements or Powell's argument then that Iraq had failed to account for vast quantities of chemical weapons -- Powell replied: "I think the answer to the question is, I don't know yet.
"Last year when I made my presentation it was based on the best intelligence that we had at the time," Powell added.
"It was consistent with the views of other intelligence agencies and other governments and it was consistent with a body of reporting over the years... that there were large, unanswered questions about what they had or did not have."
Which is a flat out lie. They didn't present "large unanswered questions". They presented certainty about WMD's and that they knew where they were. It's an "Open Question" now, but in January of 2003 in front of the cameras and the UN Security Council it was an "Open and Shut" question.
Now that Powell and Kay have said No WMD's, I'm eager to see what Cheney says. It looks as if he's becoming a sort of embarassment to the Administration with his blustering assertions despite evidence coming from everywhere to the contrary.
I guess now begins the scramble to save face.
Once more, a reminder of why this is so important.
.......To govern is to choose, almost always on the basis of very imperfect information. But preemption presupposes the ability to know things -- to know about threats with a degree of certainty not requisite for decisions less momentous than those for waging war.
Some say the war was justified even if WMD are not found nor their destruction explained, because the world is "better off" without Saddam Hussein. Of course it is better off. But unless one is prepared to postulate a U.S. right, perhaps even a duty, to militarily dismantle any tyranny -- on to Burma? -- it is unacceptable to argue that Hussein's mass graves and torture chambers suffice as retrospective justifications for preemptive war. Americans seem sanguine about the failure -- so far -- to validate the war's premise about the threat posed by Hussein's WMD, but a long-term failure would unravel much of this president's policy and rhetoric. .....
.....For the president, the missing weapons are not a political problem. Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, says Americans are happily focused on Iraqis liberated rather than WMD not found, so we "feel good about ourselves."
But unless America's foreign policy is New Age therapy to make the public feel mellow, feeling good about the consequences of an action does not obviate the need to assess the original rationale for the action.
Until WMD are found, or their absence accounted for, there is urgent explaining to be done. - George Will
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-24 8:43 PM.
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You look sillier all the time. He didn't lie, there were large unanswered questions about his stockpiles. I got to admot I get a good laugh everytime I read your posts you quote every article and no matter if it vlidates your point you say see! see! I'm beginning to think your just putting us on just to get DTWB and G-Man to make long ass posts.
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How about a short post instead...?
QUESTION: Hitler was trying to build an atomic bomb, same as we were. He also had a missle program. ... WHO HERE THINKS WE SHOULD HAVE WAITED TO ATTACK GERMAN UNTIL (A) HITLER HAD THE A-BOMB AND (B) WE HAD PROOF HE WAS GOING TO USE IT ?!!?!
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
You look sillier all the time. He didn't lie, there were large unanswered questions about his stockpiles. I got to admot I get a good laugh everytime I read your posts you quote every article and no matter if it vlidates your point you say see! see! I'm beginning to think your just putting us on just to get DTWB and G-Man to make long ass posts.
1st off. Stop talking with your mouth full.
2nd. WHAT?
3rd. Can you please admit, after Hans Blix, after Joe Wilson, and after David Kay all say there are no WMD's, you support Bush because of an unflailing, unwavering, partisanship and not because you actually still beleive Iraq was a threat to the U.S.?
4th. The German military power grew steadily from 1933 onward. Adolf Hitler attacked nearly a dozen countries by the time he had been in power for eight years. Iraq has gone to war only twice since Saddam took power 30 years ago, and Iraq’s armed forces are weaker today than at any time in the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler are both evil despots, but Iraq is not Nazi Germany, Saddam is not Adolf, and the Iraqi army is not the Wehrmacht.
People use scary historical analogies when they don't have good arguments based on the facts today. They try to scare us by talking about bad people and disasters in the past. It's usually a sign that you don't have the facts on your side when you have to go 60 years into the past to find a way to inflate the threat.
People who favored containment were not rolling over to Saddam. They wanted to keep Iraq weak through sanctions, they wanted him to know that if he used force of any kind to threaten his neighbors, he'd face massive opposition from much stronger countries, like us. These are not pacifist strategies. Nobody had argued accommodating or appeasing Saddam. The only serious argument had been between those who wanted to contain Iraq through military deterrence, and those who wanted to overthrow Saddam through preventive war. Neither of these options is appeasement.
Hyperbole and partisan propaganda however tried to paint the situation in the most ridiculous, cowardly light. Unsurprisngly. Unsurprisng too that some fell for it.
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-25 9:32 AM.
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I have to agree with Whomod there, you can´t really compare Saddam Hussein with Adolf Hitler. True, Saddam is a bad man, Hitler was much much worse. And really, do you honestly believe that Iraq posed any REAL threat the US.? He didn't, I find it hard to believe that he had any intentions of using his "WMD" against the US. I have no problem, however, with him being removed from power He may be a monster, but he isn't a total idiot. I think he knew that he would never survive an attack on the US.
But him and Hitler, they can't really be compared
Racks be to MisterJLA
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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As far as the Hitler comparison, no Saddam wasnt as bad. Why because we stopped him. If he had been allowed to continue to pounce through the mid east like Hitler through Europe he very well might have been.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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whomod said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: You look sillier all the time. He didn't lie, there were large unanswered questions about his stockpiles. I got to admot I get a good laugh everytime I read your posts you quote every article and no matter if it vlidates your point you say see! see! I'm beginning to think your just putting us on just to get DTWB and G-Man to make long ass posts.
1st off. Stop talking with your mouth full.
2nd. WHAT?
3rd. Can you please admit, after Hans Blix, after Joe Wilson, and after David Kay all say there are no WMD's, you support Bush because of an unflailing, unwavering, partisanship and not because you actually still beleive Iraq was a threat to the U.S.?
1st: looks like i hit a sore spot 
2nd: I know its hard for you to understand facual statements so I understand your confusion.
3rd: I say there is looks as if there is a 100% chance they arent gunna find anything. I have no trouble with the facts. You have thee trouble. The facts are the worlds intelligence community believed that he had them. We acted on that belief.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on," - Paul Wolfowitz in Vanity Fair
Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-25 8:40 PM.
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
cobra kai 15000+ posts
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whomod said: I think that is part of the reason it's become a question of partisanship rather than a question of intelligence and fact.
no, the reason its become a question of partisanship is because everytime someone disagrees with you, you say something similar to:
whomod said: you support Bush because of an unflailing, unwavering, partisanship and not because ...yadda yadda.
why you'd still think that, i'm not sure. i believe many of us "pro-dubyers" (??) have all freely said we would have rather have had mccain in office. i believe many of us "blind george lovers" have said we strongly disagreed with some of his calls (like nasa spending or gay marriage stances or the illegal alien decisions, etc, etc). i believe many of us "flag waving supporters" have clearly shown we're anything but.
i shouldn't have to point out all the situations where i agree or disagree with the president to clarify whether or not i'm capable of making up my own mind. reading through this forum, or even just this thread, you'll see dozens of instances where you can get a handle on our views.
this is such a strong partisan division because you are making it out to be.
in reality, this is simply a disagreement, and (should be) nothing more.
whomod said: I'd feel better about that if I were given reasons of why Bush earns your trust.
but we've given those reasons. 20 pages worth. you disagreeing with them is one thing. thats fine. you ignoring them and stating they have no basis simply because you're ignoring them and feel they have no basis is silly.
we don't like or agree with your viewpoint, but we respect that you have one, and respect that its different. i think you'll find the conversation flow much smoother were some of that respect returned.
whomod said: Now I know Sadaam was bad and everyone feels rather good about him being deposed. Again, I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing assertions made exactly one year ago today that Iraq couldn't wait because we were in immimnent danger from him.
a valid gripe.
if anything, im frustrated over the lack of wmds, and the "egg on your face" outlook it gives. but i still agree with and support the decision, even above and beyond the "iraq is now free" sentiment.
i feel the story broke down like this:
the world knew saddam's iraq was a bad place. for decades. we hadn't done anything (major) because there wasn't an imminent need (for us).
9-11 hits.
the world changes. view points change. realities change. things taken for granted change. this was now a world where silly bad people in funny sounding countries who made threats had to be looked at seriously.
saddam was that target. not that he had any direct link to 9-11, but a very strong indirect link. juding by his own past, and the future of this changed new world we live in, i find it perfectly acceptible to believe he could be the next osama and help plan the next 9-11. accurate or not, i find zero fault with that suspicion.
fact: we knew that he had wmds. we had discovered and encountered them, first hand. we knew that he hat the gusto to use them. we knew that he hated the US. we knew he had the ability to hide them with incredible skill (due to blix's inability to discover enormous stockpiles despite nearly 20 years of searching).
all of these facts were not simply based on bush, or US intelligence. this was a common knowledge, spreading throughout the globe. everyone from france to russia to japan to canada "knew" there was stuff going on in there -- completely separate from the bush admin.
the UN knew saddam had things he shouldn't. thats why there were inspectors in the first place. there are large amounts of chemicals and weapons that the UN (not the US) has on record of being in iraq that are, somehow, missing. tons of items that are unaccountable, to this day. again, completely separate from the bush admin.
adding all of that with the 9-11 outlook (with the US, of course, bearing the brunt), and you have your iraq invasion -- which was based on many things, including and highlighting iraq's decade of UN rebellion.
yes, i agree, the "urgency" viewpoint was based on the wmd belief. and yes, that urgency may turn out to have been misguided.
but even assuming that, because of the events that led to the decision, i do not fault it. i do not feel its a cover up. i do not see it as a lie. i do not feel the bush admin is the scourge of the planet -- especially when the planet shared with the viewpoint.
and to you, thats all blind loyalty.
i'm hoping you now see otherwise.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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whomod said: "For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on,"- Paul Wolfowitz in Vanity Fair
There you go again.
It was widely reported over six months ago that this was a misquote:
The Pentagon says a full reading of the transcript of the telephone interview Wolfowitz gave the reporter May 9 does not support that interpretation of the deputy secretary's comments.
"Vanity Fair only used a portion of the deputy secretary's quote," the source said. "Their omission completely misrepresents what he was saying. The complete quote makes clear that there were multiple reasons for the use of military forces against Iraq."
According to a tape recording made by the Pentagon, the actual quote is, "The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on, which was weapons of mass destruction, as the core reason...There have always been three fundamental concerns. One is weapons of mass destruction, the second is support for terrorism, the third is the criminal treatment of the Iraqi people. Actually, I guess you could say there's a fourth overriding one, which is the connection between the first two."
And, yet, here you are, over half a year after this story was discredited, dredging it up again, like it's some sort of "smoking gun," when, in fact, it isn't even an accurate account.
And you wonder why people question your motives and credibility?
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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