but not only did bill lob a buncha missiles into iraq (on multiple occasions), i think clinton has also "been proven to be (a) liar(s) and (a) manipulator(s) in the past" -- so how do we know he didn't fabricate things?

po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

this whole thread is pretty kooky

whomod, i don't knock you for asking the questions or taking things with the grains of delicious, delicious salt. those're good things. necessary things.

the crazy point is, to me, it seems like you're just "out to get" dubya -- even to the point where, in the past, if anyone has disagreed with your thoughts, they were viewed as blind, loyalist supporters.

so, while you may believe the bush admin is skewing info... maybe we're believing you and your articles are skewing your info on the bush admin. its an endless loop of questions impossible to answer.

the facts are... that no one knows the facts. at least, clearly, none of us. you can list 1,000 links to 1,000 articles that show the country of iraq doesn't even exist. i can retaliate with 1,500 articles that show america didn't exist, first.

just because you say stuff, doesn't make it so. if that were the case, i'd be saying many things, on a daily basis -- most consisting of the phrase "pamela." ... and later "please stop laughing."

bottom lining it, you're inclined to distrust (this specific admin). i'm inclined to believe (this specific admin). and thats pretty much all we're sure of.

giant picture