
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
You look sillier all the time. He didn't lie, there were large unanswered questions about his stockpiles. I got to admot I get a good laugh everytime I read your posts you quote every article and no matter if it vlidates your point you say see! see! I'm beginning to think your just putting us on just to get DTWB and G-Man to make long ass posts.

1st off. Stop talking with your mouth full.

2nd. WHAT?

3rd. Can you please admit, after Hans Blix, after Joe Wilson, and after David Kay all say there are no WMD's, you support Bush because of an unflailing, unwavering, partisanship and not because you actually still beleive Iraq was a threat to the U.S.?

4th. The German military power grew steadily from 1933 onward. Adolf Hitler attacked nearly a dozen countries by the time he had been in power for eight years. Iraq has gone to war only twice since Saddam took power 30 years ago, and Iraq’s armed forces are weaker today than at any time in the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler are both evil despots, but Iraq is not Nazi Germany, Saddam is not Adolf, and the Iraqi army is not the Wehrmacht.

People use scary historical analogies when they don't have good arguments based on the facts today. They try to scare us by talking about bad people and disasters in the past. It's usually a sign that you don't have the facts on your side when you have to go 60 years into the past to find a way to inflate the threat.

People who favored containment were not rolling over to Saddam. They wanted to keep Iraq weak through sanctions, they wanted him to know that if he used force of any kind to threaten his neighbors, he'd face massive opposition from much stronger countries, like us. These are not pacifist strategies. Nobody had argued accommodating or appeasing Saddam. The only serious argument had been between those who wanted to contain Iraq through military deterrence, and those who wanted to overthrow Saddam through preventive war. Neither of these options is appeasement.

Hyperbole and partisan propaganda however tried to paint the situation in the most ridiculous, cowardly light. Unsurprisngly. Unsurprisng too that some fell for it.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-25 9:32 AM.