
whomod said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
You look sillier all the time. He didn't lie, there were large unanswered questions about his stockpiles. I got to admot I get a good laugh everytime I read your posts you quote every article and no matter if it vlidates your point you say see! see! I'm beginning to think your just putting us on just to get DTWB and G-Man to make long ass posts.

1st off. Stop talking with your mouth full.

2nd. WHAT?

3rd. Can you please admit, after Hans Blix, after Joe Wilson, and after David Kay all say there are no WMD's, you support Bush because of an unflailing, unwavering, partisanship and not because you actually still beleive Iraq was a threat to the U.S.?

1st: looks like i hit a sore spot

2nd: I know its hard for you to understand facual statements so I understand your confusion.

3rd: I say there is looks as if there is a 100% chance they arent gunna find anything. I have no trouble with the facts. You have thee trouble. The facts are the worlds intelligence community believed that he had them. We acted on that belief.